Wolf Biermann hat ähnliches letzthin in einem Zeit Online-Interview polemisch überspitzt beschrieben:
Wolf Biermann hat ähnliches letzthin in einem Zeit Online-Interview polemisch überspitzt beschrieben:
In Ostdeutschland wurde weder die NS-Diktatur noch die sowjetische Diktatur "verarbeitet". Ein autoritärer Habitus findet sich hier, der energisch auf die Einhaltung des "diktatorischen Gesellschaftvertrags" pocht: Wir lassen uns die politiischen Rechte nehmen, dafür leben wir zwar ärmlich aber rundum-versorgt. Hinzu tritt wohl auch eine sich in Wut kanalisierende Scham, nach dem Fall des SED-Regimes nichts selbst aufgebaut haben zu können.
I'd have a look into lateral violence, not top-down but sideways violence. Violence between peers in reaction to violence from top or afar. There seems to be a lot of literature on that topic.
Over on X, @MorePerfectUS provides an introduction to Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, now running mate of Kamala Harris. Impressive record on behalf of working and middle class people although not all is rosy (e.g., his mandate of 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040 or the abolition of a 4-year degree requirement for most state jobs). But, well, progress.
At the news stand of supermarkets you always find crossword puzzle magazines. They are a common pasttime for retirees in DE.
@es0mhi @simsa03
Thx, I saw the obituary. I was wondering if this Lindquist is the one I was talking about. In the catalogues there is a Thomas Lindquist, a Nils Thomas Lindquist, and a Thomas Nils Lindquist. The Nils Thomas Lindquist of the obituary seems to have translated primarily sociological texts whereas the Thomas Lindquist literary ones. But as both seem to have been in that city they should be the same person. Incredible the amount of work this man has translated in his lifetime.
@es0mhi @simsa03
Thx, I saw the obituary. I was wondering if this Lindquist is the one I was talking about. In the catalogues there is a Thomas Lindquist, a Nils Thomas Lindquist, and a Thomas Nils Lindquist. The Nils Thomas Lindquist of the obituary seems to have translated primarily sociological text whereas the Thomas Lindquist literary ones. But both seem to have been in that city so they should be the same person. Incredible the amount of work this man has translated in his lifetime.
Wow. The building really progresses nicely. Kudos.
Nice story, lovely put. Made me smile.
You're staring at an image on a screen, for Pete's sake! It's the screen that exhausts you!
(In Deutschland leben ca 5,3 Millionen Muslime und ca. 220,000 Juden. Trotzdem glaubt @spiegel , Muslime in Deutschland vor anti-muslimischen Ressentiments schützen zu müssen, Juden aber outen und damit direkt in Gefahr bringen zu dürfen.)
Dies ist jetzt das zweite Mal binnen fünf Wochen, dass @spiegel die Identität des Angreifers anonymisierend schützt und die Identität des Opfers rücksichtslos outet: jüdischer Student bzw. orthodoxer Jude. Was soll das?
• https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/berlin-propalaestinensischer-student-schlaegt-juedischen-kommilitonen-zu-boden-a-800ec864-380f-42e1-bc01-d1048d87e477
• https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/antisemitische-attacke-in-der-schweiz-der-schock-von-zuerich-a-f2772b06-dfc2-4d73-b428-95f7bf94c27d
#Antisemitismus durch Nachlässigkeit, @spiegel ? Oder doch Vorsatz?
Mit bis zu 30% Zustimmung in manchen Bundesländern? Ein Verbot kommt zu spät.
Ärger als für ein Verbot der AfD zu demonstrieren dürfte für ihre gerade dem progressiven Spektrum entstammenden Gegner werden, jetzt konservativ zu wählen, um die "Brandmauer" zu halten. Ein weiterer Grund, warum die AfD in den Landtagen stark vertreten sein wird.
Die Gegner der AfD bleiben zu Hause. Und wenn sie wählen, wählen sie irrelevant.
The year 2024 has had a very rocky start so far. First, at the beginning of the year, we had to clear out the apartment on the mainland - security renovations. This meant, among other things, moving thousands of books to alternate locations. When I finally got back to the island, the water pipes in the house were frozen - we had a strong arctic wind and temperatures of -19 degrees. There is still water in the sauna - otherwise I would be doomed. And now I'm in bed for the second day with a virus, too weak to move. Where the hell did I get it? I haven't seen anyone for days. On the ferry maybe?
Reminds me of the end-boss in Half.Life 1 (1998).
BTW, "common sense" is the most dreadful feature of the human mind. It's historically pretty much equivalent to the permission to kill and slaughter.
Indeed, stepping away from generalisations ("settler colonialism", "genocide", and all the other crap) towards critique of concrete actions is a first step to avoid anti-Semitism.
That doesn't mean that the critique of individual actions is no less anti-Semitic, e.g., when in the current conflict cause & effect are reversed or when the IDF is blamed for atrocities that are not raised in the conduct of the Russian army in Ulkraine (double standard).
So, no, I don't buy your way out.
"we can't allow those who criticize Israeli policy to be called antisemitic"
I see. It's this last sentence what this is all about. To immunize "critique of Israel" against being labelled antisemitic. That is, to circumvent, e.g., the 3-D-rule (double standards, demonization, deligitimation).
Perhaps people first learn about the history of the conflic(s). It would cuation them from making grand claims that, in their generality, are prone to vocie antisemitic sentiments.
@Hcobb @adamgreenfield Yes.
I am a dishwasher, cleaner, lavatory attendant. Late at night, when the restaurant crew has left, the latrine faerie and I sing dirty duets.This is an archive and backup account. You can find me at @simsa03
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