@wendinoakland @bmacDonald94 1200 is a nice number. I like it.
I might feel cheered when/if I hit 1300 because I love the number 13.
@wendinoakland @bmacDonald94 1200 is a nice number. I like it.
I might feel cheered when/if I hit 1300 because I love the number 13.
@wendinoakland @bmacDonald94 Me too!
At Twitter, I was mostly ignored, save for a small circle of friends.
At some point in the next few weeks, I'm going to hit 1K followers.
That seems so weird to me.
Do I get a candy cigar or something?
I'm not sure how many of that 1K followers are still active, though. A lot of people have left the Fediverse since I first landed here during space nazi's takeover of Twitter.
Bluesky has siphoned off A LOT of people.
And that's what patriarchy is, when put into full form and function across the intricacies of a society.
It is a social system that fosters a network of social castes based upon sex/gender and the intricacies thereof. It is regulated by beliefs and statutes surrounding embodiment and its many variations, sexual orientation, and gender expression.
Out of these factors a host of oppression bound rules, roles, and subcategories of humanity flow.
ALL of this, all of cis people's hate and violence, boils down to the simple, plain fact, that they find us to be...
Something and someone who makes them feel profoundly uncomfortable.
Something and someone who challenges their almost religious beliefs about what male/female means to them.
Something and someone who threatens a sense of social order that they believe rests upon an inviolable separation between what they understand "male" and "female" to be.
We violate their notions of caste.
Cis people look at us and see something defective and fundamentally disordered.
We violate "man" and "woman" and "boy" and "girl" so deeply for them, that their response is a wave of revulsion, alarm, hate, and a will to extinguish us.
They don't want access to medical care for us, because that would allow us to further violate their sense of male/female. They don't want access to gender appropriate spaces and life conditions for us because that would further violate their sense of male/female
I'll also say this:
I think cis people have a reflexive emotional response, ground into them by a vast body of prejudices born of patriarchy, which frames "female" and "male" in very rigid ways. I think trans people's existence elicits that emotional response in a way that leaves them feeling angry and threatened because they see us as violating what they think "female" and "male" are.
And that emotional reflex, born of patriarchal bigotry, leads to every action they take against us.
The sports issue is just one angle that fits into a much larger agenda of destroying our lives and our existence.
This is about hate. It's not about sports.
It's pretty clear that a lot of cis people have what, on a collective level, would be genocidal intent toward trans people's existence.
You do not want us to exist. You do whatever is possible to ensure that we remain readily identifiable to you, so that you may mark us for abuse and violence. You support statutes that ensure all of these outcomes.
This is what I know about bigoted cis people and the whole fuck-lathered issue of sports:
1) They refuse to accept research showing that HRT removes differences between cis female athletic performance and trans female athletic performance.
2) They use #1 in complaining about transfem athletes having unfair advantages from a "male puberty."
3) They refuse to accept research showing access to puberty blockers and other trans medical care saves trans kids' lives and is beneficial to them.
I'm going to take this further.
I don't think a great percentage of cis people want minors to have access to trans medical care because this would erase visible identifying qualities between trans and cis people in adulthood.
I think bigoted cis people WANT to have as many avenues possible to identify who we are so that they can inflict as much harm as the can on the fly whenever and wherever they meet us.
This links in with their opposition to ID having our correct, amended sex/gender.
4) They use #3 as a justification to prohibit trans minors from accessing medical care. This is medical care that would *prevent* "male puberty" from happening in the first place.
5) Cis people don't want to offer any kind of "compromise" on the sports issue, given that trans minors' access to medical care would fully address their complaints.
Just an FYI, Daily Kos is a toxic space for trans people.
Not that this is a recent revelation. That space has always been a bit tepid on supporting trans people. However, an official post by the blogging site's founder pinned Democrats' loss on trans people last year.
In the wake of Gavin Newsom's turn against trans people, I am seeing the comment threads over there being swamped by bigots calling for discriminatory laws against trans people.
The platform is a fucking mess at this point.
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"When some foreign army marches into your town and takes everything that's yours... you'd both feel differently."
Actually, if a foreign army marched into the united states, I'd probably be cheering for them.
That's not just snappy snark on my part. I'm serious.
I can trace so much of my life's fucked up emotions and fear and anxiety to cis people's abuse.
Sooooooo much.
And I haven't been exposed to the higher levels of abuse that other trans people have endured.
Being trans doesn't lead to bad mental health outcomes.
Cis people's collective, widespread, *organized*, conscious cruelty DOES.
You are the source, cis people. The problem is YOU.
Access to trans medical care did not double my depression.
Cis people's access to bullying me did.
Cis people, you make it abundantly clear that you want us to suffer and you'll be there to provide the pathway to that suffering.
That messaging is EVERYWHERE from cradle to grave for us.
It's near fucking heroic that we manage to survive your widespread violent bullshit.
So yeah, some of us feel some distress over this. Your abuse results impacts our mental health. Gee. Go figure.
The photograph at the top of that article shows, as is so often the case, white girls/women serving in the role of supporting cisheteronormative patriarchy.
I discuss the world's darkness in frank terms. Often, this is not a happy space.CW: Most things discussed in this space will make your head feel funny and might cause an emotional owie. TURN BACK WHILE YOU STILL CAN.[evil, foreboding laughter]Also, I'm sort of sweary.👉 No warranty is provided for anything produced herein. Contents may be broken upon arrival, more often than not. Caveat emptor.https://hauntedtimber.wordpress.com/she/her • trans femme • bi❄️ Minnesota ❄️
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