I love how most cis people have spent 0 seconds thinking about gender and scoff at you for pointing out extremely basic shit that would have made first wave feminists roll their eyes.
Americans hate politics and politicians, they hate the phoniness and the fake institutional seriousness of it, especially when it fails to have a real material impact on their lives.
So naturally, Democrats turned themselves into the most phony, Beltway brained creatures on earth, obsessed with the most trivial elite bullshit, rather than talk like normal human beings.
When people say Democrats have a messaging problem, it's true, and it's because the message and the messengers both suck.
Democrats continue reacting poorly to the realization that people won't just "vote blue no matter who" and politicians actually have to offer people something in exchange for their votes, including not supporting moral atrocities just because it's politically and financially convenient for themselves.
I abandoned Facebook years ago when I realized I didn't want to talk to most of my extended family and real life acquaintances, I didn't want them to know anything about me, and a solid half of them turned out to be bad people anyway.
@timberwraith Yeah, I realized I was following a bunch of people I only tangentially knew after a point and I had nothing in common with them. Even the ones who weren't terrible merely reminded me on a daily basis what I was missing out on by being a poor trans woman in Texas.
@timberwraith I think Gaiman has a certain brand of British quaintness that is whimsically appealing to Americans for some reason but even "Sandman" tested my patience. His most famous stuff is his most meta for a reason.
@timberwraith I tried repeatedly to get through "American Gods" and gave up. I read the comic book version of "Neverwhere" but it was kinda dull. I never saw what was so special about the guy.
@timberwraith The short answer is the Lord of Dreams escapes captivity and sets out to reclaim his kingdom, plus a shit load of random mythological and DC comics references. It was an extremely Gen X thing at one point.
There is talk of a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas, which appears to be due to Trump's people leaning heavily on Netanyahu because he wants an early "win" and, unlike Biden, he is actually willing to apply pressure. It will still fall apart, obviously, but it shows just how little Biden and Blinken have been doing all these months.
Like, off the top of my head, "Navigator" deals with climate change, the failures of our civilization, racism, genocide, the lies America is built on, pandemics, war, trans rights, and building a better tomorrow.
"Wolf, Witch, Warrior" talks about trans rights, child abuse, religious fanaticism, the abysmal state of American healthcare, homelessness, inequality, and the giant pyramid scheme that's been built out of it all.
#WritersCoffeeClub 15 January: Would you ever hide your politics to avoid alienating some readers?
What readers?
And no. It's a whole package. Anti-authority, queer rights, climate, it's all rolled up into the stories and the characters themselves. They can't exist without my politics. If people have a problem with that, they can continue not buying my books. LOL.
Liberals really seem convinced "the left" is their enemy because "the left" expects them to do better whereas the right merely encourages them to indulge their worst natures.
As far as I can tell, Zuckerberg has realized he wasted billions of dollars on "the metaverse" and is now going to waste billions of dollars on "AI" instead, while ingratiating himself to Trump and Republicans in the hopes of kickbacks or at least some kind of cultural relevancy.
The party may eventually split as they continue moving right while failing to capture voters from the GOP, with some switching sides to avoid backlash, but probably not while they monopolize center-left organizing and fundraising and as long as rank and file Democratic voters blindly prop them up, lured by false promises and fear of Trump. It's also unclear if a third party can compete well enough to replace them under those conditions.
The fluke of Biden's election convinced them they were right, and the Harris campaign was about thumbing their noses at us.
Then reality ensued.
The thing is, they're still white conservatives (or neoliberals, if you prefer) and ambivalent to hostile toward younger, poorer, and marginalized voters and their issues. So they will not recalibrate. They will simply embrace Trump for having "winning politics" and align with Republicans against the rest of us seeing as we're so "unreliable."
Formerly from Twitter and Mastodon.lol. Trans, bi, she / her. Writing, dreams, politics, science, metaphysics.Blocking and muting you is the easiest thing in the world if you mouth off at me.