Hey fediverse, I'm thinking of offering some merchandise associated with my writing (t-shirts, cups, things like that). I want to use one of the print/make on demand platforms that you can upload designs to and they take care of the rest in exchange for a cut of any sales. Who else has done this? What platforms have you used, and what was your experience? #WritingLife#Writers#WritersCommunity
#WritersCoffeeClub Jan 15: Would you ever hide your politics to avoid alienating some readers?
I'm not explicitly political in my fiction, but I think my implicit values come through. I strive to show diversity in my cast of characters. I don't use stereotypes. My MC is probably "woke" although she wouldn't describe herself in that way, she just thinks you should treat people with respect and courtesy. She is more forgiving of the police than I am, since she used to be one.
@CultureDesk@bookstodon I don't have reading goals, and I read a lot of books, because I am a fairly fast reader with a wide range of interests. I keep track of the books I read and own on Library Thing. When I finish a book, I write a brief review of my thoughts. I do not write plot summaries. My reviews help me to remember which books I have read (so I don't accidentally buy them again, yes this has happened), which authors I like, and maybe they help or entertain others.
@KaKetelmug@futurebird@dan613 Also, can we address the level of quality between men's and women's clothing? My husband can buy a shirt and have it for years. I spend twice what he pays and it gets holes in like five minutes. I buy men's t-shirts for exercise and layering for this reason, because they last so much longer.
#Today I am reading, dipping into the multitude of books that I have going. Outside the wind is blowing over patches of snow, the sky is gray, and inside the pillows at my back are soft and comfy, and my husband is reading beside me. I have sampled bits of the following:
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer The Reluctant Coroner by Paul Austin Ardoin Murder in the Cathedral by T.S. Eliot The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories by Washington Irving
@alan I did this with a novel that is currently in the drawer but which I hope to revise later this year. Three POV characters, three concurrent plotlines, and figuring out how to arrange it all.
This current WIP needs another subplot, and I have to figure out where/how to weave that in.
Got my novel back from beta reader, now I have to revise (again). I struggle with revision, fiddling around with words when I need to look at the big picture. So I put together a spreadsheet where I can make notes about each scene and see everything at a glance. It's helping already!
Just confirmed my hotel reservations for this year's Left Coast Crime Convention! I've never been to this convention, but since it's in Colorado this year, how could I resist?
It's not new, but in this past year I've treasured every search result that takes me to a real website, not a content mill. They're like lentils salvaged from a pile of pebbles. They're like wheat gleaned from a harvested field.
I have been all over the place with where I leave my Star Trek 31 Day Challenge posts. Sometimes as part of a thread for someone else's post. Sometimes as a solitary post. I had a bit of a time finding my own posts. So, I'm doing like I've seen other folks do, and making a thread for my responses.
A consolidation of Days 1 through 6 posts are in a comment below. I'll post my future ST 31 Day Challenge responses in this thread.
Morning Walk Report: Boxnoggin prancing past schoolkids waiting for the bus, tail held high, ears perked (they ooh and aaah at him, he loves it), crows waiting for peanuts, park paths blown free of leaves, flotsam and wrack from the rains collected in odd spots.
Writer, author, and book coach. Named after a Star Trek actress. 🖖 She, her, hers. All photos posted are my own, except for those I boost. Member of Sisters in Crime. No AI is used in the production of my creative work. All people deserve love and respect, regardless of color, gender, body type, or any other difference.#fedi22 #writing #sff #SciFi #MysteryBooks #nature #books #photography #StarTrek #science #art #archaeology #architecture #sustainability #WritingCommunity #WritingLife