@GreenSkyOverMe@GreenSkyOverMe It is "fietsen" (riding bike) indeed and sounds like whistle the fist part. It is quite common to go cycle in Holland, but "ga toch fietsen" means also go away.
So is says "the train is broken, go cycle". Mss stands for "mischien" meaning "maybe"
It is a very funny kind of childish line, and not the common way the railway company communicates with the travelers.
<Bio>It is just what it is... for now.Dutch I am. Profile pic should not be able to be recognized with AI. Thats why I look weird.Kunst, Kultuur, Amsterdam, Koken, Blauw and Jessica Hernandez, Vrouwenvoetbal. Brouwt bier. Nurks. Linkse zure rakker. Jonge onderzoeker. Happy with my Raspberry pi. Toot in Nederland and English. En algรบn tiempo Espanol.Munter van de term "Slurf" voor een aantal toots achter elkaar...Al mijn uitgaves: https://justmytoots.com/nop2net@mastodon.social</Bio>