@crankylinuxuser@pluralistic "Not only that, but "Democrats" are some of the most undemocratic in their organization and structure. "
I keep hearing this and it confuses the shit out of me. Aren't most political parties in most countries 100% undemocratic? Frankly the idea of primaries baffles me and I can only understand it in light of the two-party system - and neither of the major parties is responsible for inventing FPTP, as it's enshrined in the Constitution.
@pluralistic@JorgeStolfi@rvkennedy@immibis@funcrunch@kcoyle I feel like this is also one of the stronger arguments in *favor* of the concept of fiat currency vs 'traditional' currencies. I don't like the idea of someone digging up a bunch more dollars and suddenly the currency goes crazy. At least when Central Banks do it there is a *purpose* to it, not the vagaries of chance.
@JorgeStolfi@rvkennedy@immibis@pluralistic@funcrunch@kcoyle Fascinating! I'd have to say as a voter, I'd be against any such legislation in the jurisdictions I vote in. Still, the unit of account used by those entities is ultimately USD, correct? Even if the actual exchange was theoretically in BTC?
Thanks! It's a pity that Mastodon doesn't have features for an allowlist approach, I feel like if someone wanted a small but still public instance that would be a great technical tool to help mitigate some of those risks.
Thanks for the information! And the new terminology sounds good, I was wondering why I hadn't seen the older ones around much. I think the new ones make more sense.
There was a post cautioning folks against hosting federated social media on Dreamwidth, have you seen it? It kinda spooked me.
@feditips I was reading your excellent website (thank you for this great resource, btw, it's been very helpful) on the topic of defederation, and I found myself with a question that didn't seem to be answered. Is it possible for a server admin to take a whitelist-approach instead of a blacklist one? That is, to make defederation the default, but be able to selectively federate with some servers.