@dansup I would argue that having the option for 3rd party clients or alternative clients is a key element to any open platform. While closed platforms can innovate faster in certain aspects this is the key which allows innovation in an open system. Give 3rd party clients the option to play along. Maybe offer some „certification“ so clients can say „I’m a real good citizen“.
@janl@molily Yes 100% The fact that Mastodon did get neither quote posts nor search not to speak of anything innovative done since the Twitter acquisition is really something. There is of course also the fact that money is missing. @MastodonEngineering just needs money to hire a few people to get more than the absolute basics done.
@janl Well, yes. Functionally it's there. But e.g. why am I not asked as part of the onboarding process if I want to opt in for example.I mean is there even an onboarding? Also there needs to be some kind of broker to search across the fediverse, not only instance local. The only place I see these things being done is @dansup (who never seems to sleep!) with @loops. That looks like steps in the right direction which gives me a bit of hope :)
@janl True. There is also more progress I know Wordpress (if that's still a thing), Flipboard, Ghost are all embracing AP. Threads is also moving forward as is https://www.fediscovery.org so things are moving, albeit slowly.
Es wird nirgends erwähnt, dass die 11.604€ das Existenzminimum sind und daher nicht besteuert werden. Sprich die 244.000 “glücklichen" Renter bekommen eine Rente am Existenzminimum. Außerdem profitieren natürlich alle Renter von der Änderung - und auch im gleichen Umfang (nur das der Rest mehr Einkommen hat und das versteuern muss). Der Artikel ist ja sachlich nicht falsch, aber das Framing ist schon sehr komisch.
@joxean yes and no. It exists in most countries. But in the US it’s important to basically do anything. It tells how reliable a creditor you are. To earn it you need a credit card. To get a credit card you need a good credit score…
maker, #hacker, #developer. Managing Director of @evenly_io. Maker of @CongressApp @CampApp and @RepublicaApp for #iOS and #tvOS. Afflicted by Morbus Promo. Fascinated by 🚫 @itsverboten #verboten