I need advice from people who have actually tried to do this with a Wix site. When I use "embed HTML," the link appears on the site, but it's as if you're looking through a glass to something you can't touch. The content doesn't even show up in the page's source code. Explaining why a general guess doesn't apply here takes time and effort, so if you don't know with certainty, please just boost!
Since there's a lot more activity and I have more followers than I did 4 days ago, I'll ask this again: Does anyone else have a #Wix website that they successfully linked to their Mastodon account? I thought I could put the rel=“me” code in using the “embed html” function, but the link won’t work. (Boosts would be greatly appreciated.)
This random toot has gotten a lot of boosts for some reason, so I just want to make it clear that don't hate or having anything personal against Eugen. I just know what I hear from marginalized people who have worked with him.
like, it’s clear that the relationship between new users, and volunteer run servers is a bit more nuanced and complicated than a typical corporate site that just accepts everyone. not every server is going to be a good fit for you, especially if you are a member of a marginal group. so it is not in servers OR users best interest to have a traditional instant sign up process. it’s more like dating.
@Yukari Hi, Yukari. I struggle with the same thing in reverse. Fortunately, with writing, you don’t have to rush. When I write in Japanese (in columns, afterwords of pocket paperback editions, essays for anthologies), I reread what I wrote and try to think of all the different ways I know how to phrase the same idea. One thing I try to be conscious of when writing in either Japanese or English rhythm and meter. But honestly, your English seems great to me.
@ecsaln@Nezumi_Youjo I’m not sure if you’re joking, but Mastodon is free open-source software. There is no CEO. Eugen is the original author of the software.
When I left the sex club (and passed leadership on to another person), people were very confused but I did point out that racism is a factor and I was tired of it. What happened after, I don't know and honestly I don't care. I enjoyed my time and made many friends in the group but the group as a whole was too toxic for me.
My point is that just because people get along generally and everyone is generally nice doesn't mean that there isn't hidden oppression happening. The lack of awareness about racism and acceptance that racism does and could happen in a Nice White Group is itself racism. Sorry not sorry but that nice white community you built isn't all that nice because the RL reality of POC are not being discussed.
I am now following 200 accounts. That is probably too many. I can't keep track of 200 people. I need to go through and pare down, but I don't have the time or energy. Also, it's a bit alarming after months of peace and quiet to have my randoms thought boosted dozens of times. Back when I was addicted to the birdsite, that would have made me happy, but now it fills me with a slight sense of dread. (Possibly because every time I went at all viral on the birdsite, trolls and harassment ensued.)
Four years later I am trying Mastodon again. I don't want to witness first-hand that other social media site devolve into a cesspool of disinformation. 4年ぶりですね。このアカウントを復活させてみます。よろしくお願いします。
@vaguelyweird Hello! Yes, I fled the birdsite in April, mostly because of Leon Stenchpants, but also because I felt like the birdsite was really bad for my mental health. (I was correct.)