@internetfreak@judgedread@pepsi_man Senator Armstrong is Poison Dart Pepe from Gab. Under the Armstrong handle, he made various alts on a number of different instances, eventually wearing out his welcome at each of them. For about a year, he posted at DRC without any real issues with anyone, but then he out of the blue demanded that I remove some emojis from our instance collection that he was offended by, or else he would leave the instance. I politely refused his ultimatum and he stomped away in a huff, next turning up at seal.cafe where he was eventually banned for advocating for the sexual grooming of pre-teen white girls.
@TrevorGoodchild “This is my pledge to you. White people will stay home. White people will not vote for your fat, kike-semen-slurping buffoon self. White people will become, to our existential benefit, more prejudiced. White people will, for the vital interest of our racial survival, embrace hatred. White people will indifferently bear witness to the Democrats rigging the election for Biden again. And this time, after your defeat and imminent incarceration, White people will not act.”
@NEETzsche Well I was thinking more in terms of white America’s changing relationship with traditional ‘sacred cows’ such as Israel and the police, among other growing factors. I really think the Israeli genocide of Gaza is the kike’s Napoleon at Waterloo moment, playing out in real time. It has caused the average white American, even the dimmest white American, to notice whether they want to or not, the jewish fingerprints all over the ruin of a world we live in.
Another example was that shooting in Charlotte NC the other day where all those pigs got smoked. You can really perceive that more whites than ever before were internally saying “Good. Fuck ‘em”, even if it turns out the shooter was a nigger, which, given the long delay in releasing his name and description, it likely was.
Those are big psychological hurdles for whites in America, and they acted as barriers that kept the ruling scum untouched for so long. That’s changing fast, and you can feel the ripple effect in small ways in everyday life that you didn’t before.
Maybe it’s just the weather warming up with Spring and the increased sunlight raising my serotonin levels, but I can’t help but be encouraged by all the ways I see the collective white consciousness in America steadily arriving at the fundamental truths that those of us on the dissident right have been espousing for decades.
I know that there was a similar but ultimately false zeitgeist in 2015-2016, but it’s different this time. Much more subdued, but genuine in a way that the previous one could never have been, and completely irrespective of fool’s messiahs like Donald Trump.
@PinochetsCommieCopter Would that GloboHomo shill be posting that if it had been white people defending their store from nigger looters? That question answers itself. Remember when, during the height of the Coronahoax plandemic, he imported a bunch of Hungarian Draganov rifles and said he wouldn’t gouge the price, only to jewishly reverse course and say he would “let the market decide the price”?
It’s like back in 2007, when ‘2 Girls, 1 Cup’ started going viral. I didn’t know what it was, so I called one of my sisters and asked her. She starts yelling at me, “Don’t fucking watch it! You know how easily you get grossed out! Do NOT watch it!” She didn’t even say what it was, she just yelled at me. So I go and watch it and had to turn it off basically right after the first broad took a shit in the cup. I call my sister back and tell her, “I can’t ever eat chocolate ice cream again.” She starts yelling at me again, “Goddamnit I told you not to watch it!” Stupid ass next time listen when I tell you something!”
Clearly I didn’t learn my lesson from that, nor will I from this crackwhore site. But what fun is life if you can’t stick a fork in an electrical outlet? No what I’m sayin? :shrug3:
@ins0mniak@Hyperhidrosis I’m 48 and I’ve been on the internet since 1996 which was sophomore year of college. To be exact, we had a computer lab in my high school in the early 90s, and there were a few kids who knew how to access the internet and navigate around, but that really wasn’t my scene. I was a truant. I skipped all the time and probably spent more school days at Metro Beach than in school. And in fact I believe my record of 56 absences in the second semester of my senior year has never been surpassed (!)
@verita84eva@ins0mniak@Hyperhidrosis The sound of dial-up is burned into my memory forever, followed of course by a busy signal more often than not. We used to call it ‘America On-Hold’.
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