Notices by Shauni (
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Shauni ('s status on Sunday, 03-Nov-2024 06:28:09 JST Shauni
@BowsacNoodle @givenup @SuperLutheran How can a strong man be robbed if he is not already fast asleep?
How would the Jews be able to guilt your people like this if you were not already vulnerable to guilt? -
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Shauni ('s status on Sunday, 03-Nov-2024 06:03:17 JST Shauni
@BowsacNoodle @givenup @SuperLutheran 1. I would be interested, but I don't think I'll be swayed.
2. The way I see it, Christianity is in a catch-22. A more "pure" Chrisitanity, IMO would be too moralistic, theoretical and pacifistic, like Amish or Menonites, to bail the Eurosphere out of its current nonsense. A more "worldly" Christianity (like fag-beatin', gun-totin', bible-thumpin' protestants and heckin' based Crusader Catholics) would be too great of a corruption, too unstable and incoherent to gain traction. Like I said, Christianity, left to its own devices, tends more towards pacifism, cleanliness and poverty than blood, filth, and riches.
(And to top it off, the whites of today are so overcivilized and longhoused that a naturalistic Nietzchean or Racialist ideology would also never gain traction.)
It doesn't matter what the on-paper, abstract benefits are if the actual practice is weakning you (I believe Nietzche said this).
3. Christianity isn't the only religion in the world, obviously. Islam is more "vital" in having a pseudo-ethnic component to it. Buddhism is almost as old and has its own various sects/schools and established traditions, and the Japanese and Chinese don't seem as vulnerable to wokeness. In practice it's not so simple to convert (blood memory methinks).
4. You can't turn the clock back. Just as a famous Greek said, Monarchies degenerate into tyrannies, then to be replaced by Aristocracies, Oligarchies > Democracies > Mob rule > back to monarchy. Governance and cultures come in cycles, and the supposed benefits of one religion don't matter if its adherents don't have the means to impose it. It's why Christians are so buck-broken by rich Wokists despite being the majority of the religious populaiton. -
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Shauni ('s status on Sunday, 03-Nov-2024 05:16:25 JST Shauni
@BowsacNoodle @givenup @SuperLutheran > meek in the traditional sense
Explain it to me, because I'm not seeing any based definitions in the dictionary.
I remember someone saying it meant " patient and not easily provoked, but not cowardly". Again, that is an external interpretation that is not explicitly spelled out. People, presumably good, believing Christians, looked at the modern definition of "meek" and said, "Yep, that checks out."
>The Bible talks about nations (ethnos) surviving to the end of ages.
That doesn't mean that white people are going to survive, though. The original Greeks and Romans are long-gone. There's nothing that says "white people shall not let themselves be racemixed out of existence". We could very well live in a brown mystery meat world of negroes, indians and mestizo south americans, and there would still be "nations". Hell, Americans are already a mystery meat mishmash of Irish, Germans and Anglos. If anything, White people have shot themselves in the foot by identifying as "Chrsitian" because the radicals of yesterday beleived that slavery and racism are anti-Christian. If Christianity didn't enable these beliefs, it was at least vulnerable to being abused as a cloak of legitimacy.
Now, I don't think white people will be wiped out tomorrow, they still exist as minorities in South Africa and Latin America. The problem is justifying the conquering of "fellow Christians" (which laypeople will probably just ignore and make up some hoopla that lets them be worldly but also take the moral highground). -
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Shauni ('s status on Sunday, 03-Nov-2024 02:30:14 JST Shauni
@BowsacNoodle @givenup @SuperLutheran But now you're in the arena of "finding the REAL Christianity", which has been in dispute for over 2000 years. Obviously Jesus didn't say "kill yourselves and give all your posessions to nigs lamo", but what objective standard is there for taking the beattitudes too far? The only standard is an accusation of bad faith. Even self-harm can be seen as expressions of holiness (mortification of the flesh).
>there's a transcendent moral law which says all people are corrupted."
Distinction without difference. Corruption implies deviance from an ideal, and the Godly ideal is Jesus: the altruistic, pious, self-sacrificing moralist (albeit intolerant of false/performative morality).
Now, he did say to act in the spirit of the thing instead of following rules blindly, but I think the actual spirit is still a slave morality. What argument do you have against global negro communism, aside from it not having a cross?
We can theologize our way to a based God that wants the white man to rule the world, but I think that's dishonest and molding the Christian God into our own image. -
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Shauni ('s status on Saturday, 02-Nov-2024 23:06:13 JST Shauni
@BowsacNoodle @givenup @SuperLutheran Disclaimer: I'm not a Nietzche scholar. You'd be better off consulting EssentialSalts for a quick rundown.
But it seems it's not about accepting/denying reality, but the value judgements and moral demands placed upon reality.
Master morality says "it is what it is, and what is, is good".
Slave morality says "Actually, there's a transcendent moral law which says I deserve such and such from strong people and that strong people are bad for not following these rules."
Now, it is true that previous kings did impose a moral law upon their subjects, and maybe they interpreted as divine instruciton. But their relationship with the law is totally different as sovereign and subject.
It helps a slave to simply obey and accept, whereas a king or barbarian must discern and proact. It helps the slave to say "I get raped and beaten by the guards, but I deserve it because the king is good and I'm a bad goy." He has no way to change it, so it's easier long-term to accept it as moral punishment and turn himself into a little bitch. Christianity just supposes a bigger, badder king with worse punishments/better rewards in the hereafter.
A king, a sovereign, someone with the power to act, is helped by "rules are just made up and I can bend them to achieve my goals". The elites of our time are immoral because it helps them dominate, and we hate them because we ain't them. If we had a protestant calliphate, you bet your ass we would be doing some heinous shit because "the ends justify the means". -
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Shauni ('s status on Saturday, 02-Nov-2024 17:31:49 JST Shauni
@BowsacNoodle @givenup @SuperLutheran Similar slave morality can manifest via Christianity: a perfect heaven accessible to everyone instead of an exclusive valhalla only accessible to strong warriors, and a hell for strong people who do you wrong. You might be gay and retarded, but you'll be welcomed into the bosom of abraham if you just be a good boy, and all your bullies will burn in eternal torment :)
(not that *you* would want another being's eternal torment, of course ;) ) -
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Shauni ('s status on Saturday, 02-Nov-2024 11:44:36 JST Shauni
@BowsacNoodle @givenup @SuperLutheran Considering the alternative is " You're a slave in an amoral universe where evil people get off scott-free", I don't think most people are equipped to handle that worldview. -
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Shauni ('s status on Wednesday, 16-Oct-2024 23:59:33 JST Shauni
@pepsi_man @sickburnbro it's not quantity, it's organization and quality. 5 Soyjaks with hi points are far more dangerous than one chud with a gucci rifle (soyjak has a cuck community willing to affirm and assist his crusade), but they crumble without support.
likewise, chuds can't win a conflict because they're atomized and don't have a shared vision they're willing to fight for -
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Shauni ('s status on Wednesday, 16-Oct-2024 23:54:35 JST Shauni
@CoQ_10 @sickburnbro @monsterislandcolonizer "massive shrinking"
no, the market will just shift from consoomable throwaway cars to a cuba-esque environment where people hang on to their vehicles for as long as possible and treat them more like farm tractors than smartphones.
we're already seeing that with 10 year old toyota corollas with 100k miles on them going for 10 grand.
It wouldn't be long before we'd see more hand-built 60-80's replica cars to skirt regs, or a new interest in motorcycles and long distance ebikes.
Or, we'd see a massive revaluation of the housing market because people can't afford to commute anymore -
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Shauni ('s status on Tuesday, 04-Jun-2024 09:44:35 JST Shauni
@Xenophon @waifu @BowsacNoodle I think it's both. When you're older, you're more established and set in your ways, so new things make less of an impression on you. You also have less free time if you have more constructive things to attend to.
And if new things are bad, all the less incentive to try them. -
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Shauni ('s status on Tuesday, 14-May-2024 22:46:15 JST Shauni
@LukeAlmighty @Jens_Rasmussen @matrix I think the problem is that femcels wouldn't be actively seeking men. I don't imagine a shy, bookish tumblr-adjacent lady bothering with dating apps.
Women are more passive, y'know? They may have a subconscious desire for family, but that doesn't mean they will actively pursue it. -
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Shauni ('s status on Friday, 19-Jan-2024 06:48:27 JST Shauni
@SKracket @tyler @Shadowman311 @Senator_Armstrong Everyone does have a choice, tho. You can seriously investigate the implications of having or not having kids, or you can be sterile to spite your parents.
If that's too much agency to expect of the average person, then it's natural selection. They are not adapted to their current environment.
(Of course, this is little consolation when you want your society to continue.) -
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Shauni ('s status on Wednesday, 03-Jan-2024 01:53:10 JST Shauni
@King_Noticer @givenup @nugger @veff "For God" is an abstract idea. Perhaps for friends and the people around you? To be of service to others? To spite the void for yet another day? -
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Shauni ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 04:57:25 JST Shauni
@that_groyper Good to see classic house getting some love. Electronic is a very rich and diverse genre. It's a shame so many of /ourguys/ never got past synthwave (or maybe it's a good thing because it lets us know who the uncultured swine are). -
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Shauni ('s status on Wednesday, 02-Nov-2022 03:44:22 JST Shauni
@alex I had an idea for an ActivityPub-based web forum. How much time/effort do you think a project like that would take?