@dalias No please. As an aside I was visiting family recently and they were offering novelty Trump toilet paper in the restroom. In my experience at least the presence of Trump’s face did not improve the overall project.
I’m planning a new course for next semester and I have a lot of readings. I prefer to just assign readings and not micromanage my students, but I am told and have experienced that if I don’t, the students just don’t do the readings. I find this baffling. I am tentatively planning to force graded short response papers to each reading but A. I hate reading and grading them and B. I am concerned they can be done by AI. How are others thinking about this? @academicchatter#academicchatter
@BrentToderian A bunch of architects and planners whose views I'm interested in recently jumped from Twitter to Bluesky. I don't understand all of the dynamics but I see what you see
As we in the U.S. enjoy the last moments of #freetrade for some period of time, I'd like to point out that we had this same #tariff mania over a century ago and discovered that it was a disaster. The definitive book on the subject was written by a writer named #henrygeorge . The book was called "Protection or Free Trade". I did not imagine that this 1886 book would be necessary reading in my lifetime #economics#protectionism#historyhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protection_or_Free_Trade
@futurebird Many. I worry that part of it is geopolitical pressure. To the extent that the U.S. is willing to step back some other body must step in. That’s broadly a good thing IMO but I could see some problems if despots abuse this (as they abuse the current system)
@kingrat there’s also a giant scale problem. Making tons of little fiefdoms responsible for regulating housing supply without oversight (except some in CA) is not a reasonable path to success. They either need to be coordinated or replaced by something functional
@patrickcmiller “The Justice Department noted that the U.S. was not the only target of the campaigns. The actors sought to also influence populations in Mexico, Germany and Israel in an effort to sway public opinion toward Russian goals.”
@patrickcmiller “foreign adversaries are acutely interested in meddling in our elections, using a wide range of tools to seek their preferred electoral outcomes and stoke division among Americans”