Heyyyy so if you are planning to renew your #Duolingo subscription you may want to dig into the recent news about them firing almost all of their translators in order to replace them with AI
I know that Mastodon nowadays feels cozy. And I know federating with Meta may, in a sense, lose some of that coziness. In my opinion, it may be worth it as long as we can make the most of it and get people out of Meta progressively.
But please people, remember to be nice and kind to each other. Those who want to block Meta, will do so. Those who want to follow people from meta, will do so. This is a feature from Fedi, not a bug.
@joeo10@phf@pluralistic If Google pulls out financially speaking, then it will be our turn to help. I would rather give my money to Mozilla. People's money brought Firefox to the New York Times before
Si todavía estás usando Google #Chrome, que sepas que la compañía que lo desarrolla trabaja activamente contra tí y va a limitar las extensiones que te protegen, como los bloqueadores de publicidad. Pásate a #Firefox para que tu navegador siga siendo tuyo.
If you still use #Chrome, you may want to know that #Google is limiting its extension capabilities because they do not like ad blocking. Google makes your browser to work against you by twiddling the buttons, as @pluralistic said. Work against this by using #Firefox a browser that will always be yours.
"It is truly astounding how quickly, holistically, and voluntarily Ronald DeSantis transformer-ed himself from the seemingly-inevitable President Damien (what up, Omen III fans) of democratic nightmares to Principal Puddingfingers, smearing his shitty evil custard all over the educational system and uncontrollably red-faced screaming at random kids for wearing outfits he doesn’t like"
That Omen III reference sent me. I almost spilled my water, @Catvalente
"It's as if a stock exchange was owned by a brokerage that was also an underwriter, and also owned several of the largest companies on its exchange, and was free to deploy all kinds of contractual restrictions and dirty tricks to force everyone doing business to use all of its services."
Just your friendly neighbor @pluralistic raining fire on #Google and #Meta choke point ad market
@jkerrison@feditips So, Unlisted means everybody CAN see it but it will not pop in the general timeline. A case scenario is when you write a very long thread. You put the first post as public and the rest as unlisted. That way you may not spam the general timeline a lot
Periodista y documentalista. Tuiteo sobre #cibercultura, #rol, #medios, #literaturafantástica y #cienciaficción. #journalist #archivist #librarian. He/Him.