3-hour zoom meeting done. I sit on national executive board at National Association of Japanese Canadians. Exhausted but I really enjoy these meetings as I feel we are doing something meaningful.
Does this happen to you? Boost if this is you... cuz I just did this ? :
Was eating a chicken burrito. While I'm chewing I notice there's a cartridge and I took it out of my mouth and put it on the plate. When I finish eating the burrito I see the cartridge on the plate, forgot what it was and put it in my mouth thinking it's a piece of chicken. Then immediately take it out. ? Every. time.
Do you check your DM on Mastodon? I realized I had bunch of unread messages just the other day... マストドンのDM見たことあります?先日いくつか未読のメッセージがあることに気がつきました。。チェックしてみてください。
My daily/regular #fountainpen is Lamy Safari Strawberry but today I wanted to use a different ink, so I inked my first newbie pen, Kakuno. Then I remembered how terribly little ink it holds! Within a day all the ink is gone?
Japanese #CulturalConsultant in Film&TV #Writer #Film Sentiment Analyst #Interpreter Podcaster #Feminist #Watercolor artist. #Arts advocate. She/her. Admin at Japanese Canadian Artists DirectoryI host Brené Brown Book Club to encourage people to live courageously. #FountainPen aficionado. I post in English/Japanese. Interested in changing culture.#カナダ 在住ライター #文化コンサルタント #通訳 #ポッドキャスト「はみだし系ライフの歩き方」プロデューサー。ブレネー・ブラウンブッククラブ主宰 社会を変えたいひと #万年筆 好き#BreneBrown#Podcast#Murderino#ブレネーブラウン#映画