I was so upset I had to go back to the bird site and post it but I work with Japanese international students. I beg the prospective students to do research...someone paid $3000 to agency to find homestay and they pay 8% of the homestay fee to the agency every month too, That is insane. and they got terrible place and no refund.
Been having pretty intense, or not intense but pretty memorable dreams last month or so. I know I’m going through a lot of change so my mind is trying to process it all. Last nights dream involved a cute white puppy who has tendency to just take off, so I was holding tight to him, while trying to reach a friend on a phone in this cool shrine-turned-into-a-new age restaurant-and-shop.
@dspacenine@yilinwriter Soboku is pretty much like any other ink but I know what you mean. Someone here once told me they use iridescent/sparkly ink and I was worried about clogging too. They said they had no issue but I still haven't tried anything like that.
@magicalmudge If you are on the web, click on the 3 bars on top left above the search bar. Then a new column shows up on your right hand side - click on Direct messages
Japanese #CulturalConsultant in Film&TV #Writer #Film Sentiment Analyst #Interpreter Podcaster #Feminist #Watercolor artist. #Arts advocate. She/her. Admin at Japanese Canadian Artists DirectoryI host Brené Brown Book Club to encourage people to live courageously. #FountainPen aficionado. I post in English/Japanese. Interested in changing culture.#カナダ 在住ライター #文化コンサルタント #通訳 #ポッドキャスト「はみだし系ライフの歩き方」プロデューサー。ブレネー・ブラウンブッククラブ主宰 社会を変えたいひと #万年筆 好き#BreneBrown#Podcast#Murderino#ブレネーブラウン#映画