@aurochs Well, let's not make too much out of my moment of disgruntlement. I'm not saying "whoops, let's pause the campaign against the rise of fascism and focus instead on restructuring the linguistics of Europe to lessen the anti-sexwork bias built into its cultural bones." 😃 I'm just expressing regret that a fun and wholesome-looking cross-cultural antifa meme turns out (on careful inspection) not to be something I can sing in good conscience.
I edit-updated this post with the MP3 of the TikTok sound in question, which is not something I previously knew how to do. But TikTok at this point must be considered ephemeral, so.
Last few days, it has become trendy on American TikTok to show opposition to the rise of fascism in America by using a short musical phrase in German language that I assume is or was a stadium chant. We were told it means "every Nazi is a son of a bitch" but the operative word is "hurensohn" or whore's son.
Awesome. Great. Way to practice intersectionality! Show your distaste for nazis by shitting on sex workers! Hoorah!
What made me fall apart with helpless giggling today? The attractive woman on Tiktok who responded to "you'd be a lot prettier if you got rid of your septum piercing" with "you're probably not going to be a big fan of of my cock, then, either."
As near as I can tell, there's never a justification for unsolicited critiques of a stranger's paint, piercings, or packaging. Fuck those dudes, buncha assholes anyway.
All over the US government right now we hear rumors like this one, of the NSA forced to delete every doc in its internal systems that mentions privilege escalation attacks because the Grand Stupids In Charge won't allow the word "privilege" on any government server:
Every time I see shit like this, my mind returns to the backstory of Charles Stross's (@cstross) Glasshouse: history a mostly-missing muddled mystery after waves of deletions in centuries of censorship wars.
I will be a lot more outraged about the Chinese LLM that won't talk about Tiananmen Square when Google's Gemini grasps firmly aholt of its balls long enough to answer a question about Melania Trump's immigration status.
While reading today's column by Cory Doctorow (@pluralistic) the little literacy engine that reads words aloud to me in my head bounced HARD off the stack of fricatives in the word "enshittificatory" and then, like the driver of a monster truck at a demolition derby, backed up and revved the engine and hit that word AGAIN with greater speed/force, and then a THIRD time before finally bouncing over the obstruction and (shouting "Whee, that was fun!") powering onward.
Not to critique anybody's fun, but I grew up in grizzly bear country and came away with the attitude that if a person takes weapons in hand and goes out hunting in the territory of apex predators, that's a very special kind of choice. Resulting injuries or deaths should probably be tracked for statistical purposes, but not in the "wild animal attacks" statistics.
Is there a category for "fucked around, found out?"
On top of the fact that phrasings like "little people" are destructive of the solidarity that we're all gonna need to survive, it's just factually incorrect.
"Little people" aren't capable of assaulting public interest institutions like the Archive and Wikipedia. That takes the concentrated malice of super-wealthy individuals.
Your infrequent reminder that corporate status is a gift that we the people give to wealthy investors for their convenience and protection, under an ancient belief that society as a whole will benefit.
No one has a right to corporate status. It can be withdrawn at any time by we-the-people acting through our legislatures.
If corporations do not serve us, we can do away with them.
@hagen@tante It's pretty normal for a word to have a narrow technical meaning and a much broader popular usage that is gleefully adopted by people who do not know or never understood the narrow technical sense of the word.
I'd also like all the porn shared on here to be ATTRIBUTED to the best ability of the people posting it, but that's an old mania of mine and I've long since made peace with the fact that most people don't share it or give even a tiny fuck about it.
As for the alt descriptions, I have OK vision but I'm still amazed how often I need (want) alt text to help me puzzle out WTAF I'm looking at. Being somewhat face-blind and color vision impaired no doubt contributes to that.
In the USA before Dobbs, abortion couldn't be outlawed outright, so opponents pioneered ways to make it "impossible but not illegal." Mostly by dreaming up impossible regulations for abortion providers.
This post is not about abortion.
Anti-porn forces are following the same playbook with age verification. AV isn't intended to "protect the children" or whatever. It's impossible to comply; customers won't ID themselves. It's a porn biz killer, and that's its purpose.
I absolutely guarantee that if somebody somehow managed to thread the needle by coming up with a cryptographic protocol and business model that solved all the privacy and security and trust issues in a cheap and easy-to-implement way, the folks who passed the current batch of AV laws would balk, object, and change the laws to forbid it. Because the impossibility is the point of these laws.