@wesley On the one hand, this is good. On the other hand, didn't they spend a bunch of money to upgrade the whole Breeze system in 2018? (when they made us all buy new Breeze cards)
@david_chisnall@futurebird I agree with this with the caveat that we have to be very intentional in how we teach it because students are weird sponges and sometimes only remember the hypothesis that was found to be wrong, without remembering the wrong part.
And this is why I don't talk about Lamarckism during intro biology anymore. Way too many of them grasped onto inheritance of acquired characteristics because we talked about it first and never learned how evolution actually works.
@patrickcmiller It's a real concern, especially when they're built in places that have limited surface water and rely on inter-basin transfers or ancient aquifers for most of their water, which includes large portions of the US.
@freemo@Strandjunker Embryos do not have opinions. They do not have brains. Or hearts. Or any other organ. Abortions are about the person whose body the procedure is performed on. Embryos are not people.
urban stream ecologist, carbon geek, beaver fan, trying to make working in science suck less for everyone |she/her| my opinions are mine, not the state of Georgia's|