MARTA announces a contract has been awarded for a new modernized fare collection system
MARTA announces a contract has been awarded for a new modernized fare collection system
Supposed to allow direct credit/debit card and mobile wallet payments, improved ticket vending machines, better fare gates at train stations, and better bus fare readers (among other things)
@GossiTheDog I feel like everyone's just forgotten about the Metaverse thing and he doesn't get nearly enough shit for how stupid it was.If the AI hype machine didn't swoop in and steal the show I think people would still be dumping on Meta
Finally finished reading The Wheel of Time series. I started reading over a decade ago but couldn't stick through. I started a re-read from the beginning after the second season of the show came out.
I finished yesterday but I still feel like I'm decompressing from the last battle. The end was long, but at the same time too short.
I feel relieved to be through it, accomplished, but also sad that there won't be any more Wheel of Time. Maybe the show can help fill that void...either that or I start another re-read 🤓
We're looking better in this second half but not being composed enough in front of goal. Need to keep these shots down
@TheBreadmonkey Can other people's cars really do this in seconds? It usually takes several minutes for the air to heat up enough to even start melting ice and it takes a while after that for it to be completely melted. If I waited for the defroster every time my windshield has ice I'd have to idle my engine for 5-10 minutes every time.
And it's not even that cold where I live (Atlanta)
A lot of the fears that rail will ruin the beltline are completely unfounded.
> Charlotte proves to me that light rail and trails can and should go together. It works. It’s safe. It’s driving economic development while including enough options to make the corridor accessible to everyone. The Atlanta Beltline can do this and even more.
Users on BlueSky requesting Mastodon features? Never thought I'd see the day!
Honestly though I don't think Mastodon gets enough credit for some features like link verification and crediting journalists.
@notjustbikes A lot of people looking to re-create Twitter seem to have forgotten that Twitter could still be a cesspool even before Musk.
@nerd4cities One of those lists I just knew Atlanta was going to be on
Sorry but if your conscience conflicted with providing health care to women then don't work at a fucking hospital. I really don't give a shit if you're a nun and don't believe in abortions.
Missed the last couple iterations of Atlanta Streets Alive so I'm really looking forward to this weekend for the next one! I invited a friend who had never heard of it before and it looks like he'll be coming too.
Spread the word for Atlanta's open street project!
The vital role of light rail in Atlanta’s BeltLine neighborhoods - Brian Sumlin, guest column on Saporta Report
"As Atlanta continues to grow, the implementation of a comprehensive transit system becomes not just a convenience but a necessity for fostering sustainable development, equitable access, green commutes to and from work, and a thriving urban environment."
@ATLeagle Don't jinx it!
Somehow I didn't know that a Copa America game is being played in Atlanta tomorrow between Argentina and Canada. Sold out stadium of 72,000 people. Gonna be a great night for soccer in Atlanta!
@Possiblydrew I think it's time. You can't have this many defeats, especially at home.
Even last season it wasn't like we were playing inspiring football. There was maybe a short period that it looked like things were flowing when we got some new signings but it was short lived.
I don't think he's a bad coach but maybe not the most experienced as a least not yet.
@Possiblydrew @ATLeagle Are...Are we currently winning a game?
Proposed locations of 3 additional MARTA heavy rail stations has been announced
All on the beltline
Software Engineer in AtlantaSafe and sustainable transportation options: #bikes, #transit, #walking #SafeStreets #bancars #fuckcarsCities built for people not cars.Manchester United & Atlanta United fanCoffee nerd
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