@tek The real question, I think, is why anyone thinks we should trust any of them. They're all created by fallible people with their thumb on the scale, from whatever information they could steal the easiest.
@evan@timbray Minority, but oh so close. I usually like minority governments though, it makes them play well with others. I like to think that proportional representation would give us that more of the time.
@mirabilos@rysiek I did get a handful of legit ones lately, but they were expected. My old credit card expiry had passed, and these were services I'd given it to at one point. As a heuristic though, you're spot on.
@rysiek On the flip side, it is also important to welcome phone calls out of the blue from people whose Spidey-sense has tingled a bit, and who trust you enough to sanity check what they're looking at.
@mkornblum@inthehands Awesome, thanks. I'm not *quite* in the market yet, as I still need my Civic, and my wife things I've got too many bikes already.
I do manage sometimes with a trailer, but that can be a lot of work on hills. (To be honest, I should do this more often first.)
@inthehands I must say, minority governments tend to be my favourite governments. I would prefer proportional representation instead, but it's always better when the parties involved actually have to learn to share the sandbox with others.
@evan Scotch broom is everywhere here, loving disturbed soil, so it's often along road sides. Beautiful yellow flowers, which at least help find the survivors from last year's purge each year.
Himalayan blackberry too, but they're tasty, so I just apply some control there.
@jasonkoebler I wonder if these sorts of sites could mitigate the flooding issue most of the way through policies and strict validation of the submitter. Since this one has shut down, it's hard to tell what they had, but some friction is necessary. Submit one piece of garbage, be put in purgatory for a time.
As for Amazon encouraging crap, well, they're blatant. What was their restriction, "only" three new books published per day / author? Ugh.
@evan They work very well with tiling window managers for example, where another desktop is just a keystroke away.
I'll typically have shell windows & Emacs on 1, Firefox on 2, note-taking app on 3, Signal on 4. With a largely keyboard-driven workflow, there is a minimum of hunting around with a mouse pointer.
Working in infosec, from my island paradise.Fascinated by how tech is (ab)used in real life, and how it might help, or hinder our lives. Love messing with programming languages, photography, getting outside.