@KitlerIs6@colonelj@Kirino before, only like once or twice a month. Now it’s like, multiple times per week. There are some days where I don’t see any but there are other days where I say as many as fifteen, if I had to make a rough guesstimate since I stopped counting
@colonelj Ew is extremely good at grooming people. He’s the second coming of Charles Manson except I think he might be worse.
In high school I read Helter Skelter for a project. I’m re-reading it and it’s truly amazing how much Ew parallels Manson and how much I and other members/former members of Ew’s cult parallel the people in Manson’s cult.
I’m actually relieved Leslie Van Houten got paroled. After going through what Ew put me through I understand her completely. She and all the other Manson girls are victims
@colonelj Extremely. He deliberately molded me into someone who was dependent on him, using my anxiety and depression to do so. But after I had manic episodes and got diagnosed with bpd, he decided that my mental condition was now too much to control and he tried to make me kill myself. It was the worst thing that ever happened to me, and I say that as someone who has survived rape and childhood cancer.
And since I did not kill myself he is now trying to assassinate me and I think he is trying to assassinate my boyfriend too, just cause he can
@colonelj probably since before fedi. He claims to have dated many crazy women but I have to wonder if it was just their fault? Ain’t no way. That’s like claiming in each and every one of Taylor Swift’s numerous relationships, she was the innocent victim and the bf was the evil manipulator. That’s what her fans believe, but it’s not statistically likely. Ew and his followers believe he attracts crazy women but the truth is he grooms them into becoming dependent on him and then abandons them or tries to kill them if and when it gets beyond his control.
@Kacho STOP FUCKING TRYING TO KILL ME. If I see one more armed member of Ew’s cult following me at work, or following my boyfriend again, I will be contacting both the Cincinnati police and the San Francisco police, and I will also be contacting the FBI to let them know about the cult and how they’re trying to murder me and everyone else who used to be in it.
@colonelj No, I can’t stay on fedi with Ew trying to murder me. I’m just trying to end this. I’m tired of being followed by men with guns and I’m sure Bot, Hussy, Salt, and Coyote are too. Those are all former members of Ew’s cult who he is no doubt trying to murder as well, has anyone checked to see if they are still alive?
@colonelj I only talked to Coyote a little bit after he left the fediverse, and I don’t know the entire story. And I haven’t talked to him since I made a new xmpp account. But he used to be on fedi, he was one of many that Ew attempted to groom, then he left fedi after some girl doxed him. I’m positive she was acting under Ew’s orders.
@bot@marine@Doll@Sui@gh0st1984@Omega_Variant@matty@Kirino@KitlerIs6 you know both of them could easily just lose weight and find irl people to date but they’re both too lazy to do that. “Well, I want a girlfriend but I don’t want to lose weight or not spend my whole day posting on fedi, I better manipulate this girl on fedi into falling in love with me! She’s fat too so it will work!”
@marine@Doll@Sui@gh0st1984@Omega_Variant@matty@Kirino@KitlerIs6@bot I’m sure you thought you were doing the right thing with that. You weren’t, but it’s the thought that counts. It was everything that came after. You just said many many awful things. You told me you wanted me to make friends and be happy with them but just today you told people not to engage with me at all. What is the truth?
@marine@Doll@Sui@gh0st1984@Omega_Variant@matty@Kirino@KitlerIs6@bot You do not get to tell me what I need and what I don’t need. You do not know me. I needed him because I knew I could never replicate that friendship with anybody no matter how hard I try. Which was true, the only reason I have a boyfriend now is because someone out there modified the fabric of the universe.
@bot@marine@Doll@Sui@gh0st1984@Omega_Variant@matty@Kirino@KitlerIs6 Neet could say something dumb like “blacks never commit crimes and epstein never raped those girls” and marine would believe it and tell everybody he’s right. Her whole life revolves around his word. Sad!