Skylar can joke about enjoying chores, but we aren't sweeppilled broommaxers who just feel bad when Roombas take a task away. We aren't really frustrated microwaves replaced wood stoves.
The lamentable thing here is as we improved tech, we didn't replace productive tasks with other productive ones. We instead replaced them with bogus activities that literally don't produce value at all.
It may seem wild that we're paying people to do things that hinder society rather than improve it, but look around and there's no shortage of such fake jobs.
@skylar@WoodshopHandman@Dicer I don't think anyone's encouraging "working for money" for its own sake, but encouraging activities that provide fulfilment.
Lots of modern jobs are make-work that only exist because of one another. Coke only advertises because Pepsi does, and both move in a multimillion dollar arms race that leaves them back where they started had neither done anything.
Office work is considered so soul-sucking because people kind of know they're stuck in such red queen scenarios, not making any real change or actually producing anything, yet doing so in a stressful environment where they're required to act as though it matters.
Video games give a nice illusion of productivity, because they have the good parts of work without the bad. Minecraft was a good example. Even non-autists went to the trouble of tending fields and making big safe greenhouses and such. Why? Because you don't have anyone who'll get pissed at you for not doing some pointless thing how they want, or for missing a quota by three units, or being five seconds late to a do-nothing meeting, or for not following a regulation you know doesn't matter. People are aware of what genuinely fulfilling work free from petty obligations feels like, and they crave it so much they even spend their limited leisure playing make-believe that they're doing it.
@WoodshopHandman@Dicer "Advancements" don't even get us leisure. Thanks to electronic tools I'm at least twenty times as productive as someone who had my job a couple decades ago.
Does it mean I only work one twentieth of the time he did? No, we're all just expected to work the same hours and do twenty times as much.
@Arkana@wgiwf@wan I think most of an attraction to armpits is the smell, but there's definitely a difference between a natural body scent (which can be amazing) and one that's just a result of being unwashed for a week (gag-inducing).
@RustyCrab There's this shitty youtube artist who keeps parroting that A.I.'s death is just around the corner. Poke fun at the idea in any way and he'll just delete it.
"People are only using it for a quick dopamine hit. It'll wear off. Nobody's replacing us" says increasingly-nervous nerd whose tablet has suddenly become a very expensive doorstop.
@DrBHunter@Jim@William_The_Dragonborn Destiny has terminal hot-take-itis where he has to say retarded shit sometimes to boost engagement (e.g. arguing in favor of incest) but even he knows which way the wind is blowing on this one.
@wan@GrungeQueef That's retarded. Wondering if this is the same woman who did the bogus political compass kink chart. That one only looked at quadrants and not magnitude, so republicans were identical to nazis and democrats were identical to communists.
@GrungeQueef I posted this chart a while back and the most interesting part to me is which things are horizontally aligned, which implies similar attraction but people just wanting to keep it secret. Like pee is more enjoyed than pubic hair but three times as taboo.
@skylar@SNEK Onolumi is a Japanese independent who started off having about the English skills of a kindergartener (check her Planescape playlist). She's gradually improved and is now pretty much fluent.
She also represents chatters as robots who walk around, and at the end of the stream she drops everybody into her cleavage.
@graf I've repurposed melted wax into my own DIY candles like that before. You don't even need a matchstick, as any little rolled-up paper towel piece can act as a wick.
But yeah, you have to be careful on the shape and how close the flame gets. These glass jar lids turned upsidedown have worked best for me.
@PraxisOfEvil I thought it was a joke at first, but he defended it for hours in the replies and blocked everybody who poked at him. Guy has paper thin skin for making such publicly bad takes.
Not that anyone should care about “misgendering” or “deadnaming” a troon, there’s an interesting friend/enemy distinction on display where liberals are perfectly fine doing both if someone’s an acceptable target.
White male conservative Alabamian pastor? Say no more, fam. That ticks every box of people we’re socially permitted to not show respect for.