@laurenshof@tchambers I'm curious to read your thoughts on this, because I feel like limiting is a good choice, one that still leaves users in control instead of arbitrarily making a decision who they can follow for them
@jwildeboer I won't argue that it isn't as decentralized in practice as AP right now, I'm just saying that "they promise that in future you might be able to run your own relay" is misleading, because you can do that today
@Claire@eramdam@cwebber Yeah, anyone can connect to any PDS (it's the exact same endpoint as the one for the firehose on the relay). A new relay may get a list of PDSes or find them somehow, but a PDS can also ask a relay to connect. I'm assuming even with some double-digit number of connections it would still be less resources than a well-connected Mastodon instance.
I feel like some ActivityPub-focused people are kind of still waiting for Bluesky to finish and launch something they were building, not having noticed that they already did a while ago, they've just missed it because it doesn't look exactly like what they were looking out for…
@BeAware I'm gonna have a list & search of Bsky->Masto and Masto->Bsky bridged accounts at some point on my site, but it's waiting for a better day when something else isn't prioritized… 😉
@BeAware@dynamic@danie10 Yeah, there's an artificial limit of 10 accounts right now enforced at the Relay so things don't get out of hand too quickly before shit's fully ready (it can be raised on request, but I think only Bridgy has did that so far).
Oh and one more thing, web UI isn't really integrated with the AppView, it's just a web-based JS client in the same way as Elk is for Mastodon. It's technically not any more privileged that any third party app, it's just "the official one".
@BeAware@dynamic@danie10 So, correction, *all* of your data has its "original location" at your PDS - all kinds of records (profile, posts, likes, follows, non-Bluesky records like WhiteWind blog posts), "blobs" like attached images, and even videos now. You can even put non-Bsky records like whtwnd posts on your Bluesky-hosted PDS.
They aren't usually directly served from there (data is served from the AppView, media from Bluesky CDN), but they can always be fetched from the original source.
The key is that the architecture is very different, and there isn't a direct equivalent of instances. There are PDSes, but they do much less than Fedi instances, and they also don't directly talk to (federate with) each other. The data flows from PDSes to relay(s) to AppView(s) and to clients.
@BeAware It's like when you log in to your Mastodon/Fedi account in an app, you're shown your server's login page in a browser and then "Do you want to authorize app X to do Y?" and you press "Authorize". And in Bluesky/ATProto at the moment you enter that "app password" at the moment to log in, you give the app password to the third party app itself instead of to your server's login form. It's less secure because they get that password itself instead of a token & they get access to whole acct.
@BeAware Also things are kind of in flux with OAuth at the moment - they've been working on it for the past few months, but it's only partially deployed so far and not ready, there have been some required updates to the PDS related to this, and most third party apps don't support OAuth login just yet, so things might be a bit messy in that area in the next few months.
@BeAware I think you could even not have a "Bluesky profile" record with bio and avatar etc. to use WhiteWind this way (I'm not 100% sure though how the account tooling works on the installable PDS).
Independent Mac/iOS & web developer. Building useless random stuff in Swift, Ruby or JavaScript and wasting time.I'm mostly hanging out on Bluesky these days and hacking things on the AT Protocol, so follow me there 😎 🐦 @kuba_suder 🦋 @mackuba.eu