Other half just called to say she just passed a lovely new water feature on the main road, quite the water fountain apparently, I feel this maybe related to my pressure issue!
Embed this noticeFunsizeScot1975 ??????? Or Susan if you’re feeling familiar (funsizescot1975@spinster.xyz)'s status on Wednesday, 19-Jul-2023 11:37:19 JST
FunsizeScot1975 ??????? Or Susan if you’re feeling familiarNiece just showed me a thread, Reddit I think, of the assorted TIMs comparing being correctly sexed with a smorgasbord of flavours of actual bigotry! Here’s the thing, they are so desperate to be ‘special’ they are literally out there trying to claim ‘genocide’ when all they are at best is being ignored! I am tired so very fucking tired. Parasitically attaching yourself to a group’s oppression does not make it yours. It’s like some kind of fucked up victim tourism! The ones that claim that they are victims of transphobic violence. I don’t doubt there are genuine cases of it but I am also willing to bet they weren’t beaten or harassed because they were perceived as trans I would put next months rent on them being beaten and harassed because they were perceived as gay! The knuckle dragging throwbacks that genuinely go around putting their hands on people aren’t normally evolved enough to get beyond yelling ‘oi q***r’ and punching someone!
Amongst all of her other bullshit and love of the glitter woo she’s a fucking racist who hates travellers and yes I know she apologised and no I don’t fucking believe and or forgive her for it.
@Chronic-Yonic@blingring@LuvGreenTea2019 And that there is exactly why you never ever lie to be kind on this shite! The oh of course, when everyone knows it’s bollocks, will eventually come back and bite you. Fuck that shite! But then Again hasnt Julie also spoken of her ‘political’ lesbianism. As much as i respect her work with incarcerated women and the way she does stand strong against the trans mania on that she can do one!
@Piss_Ant@tangleofsnakes I’m mean I have nt asked all my friends but I’ve never suffered from wet anus myself or oddly enough, sweaty balls!
Embed this noticeFunsizeScot1975 ??????? Or Susan if you’re feeling familiar (funsizescot1975@spinster.xyz)'s status on Tuesday, 21-Mar-2023 08:32:13 JST
FunsizeScot1975 ??????? Or Susan if you’re feeling familiarOn todays episode of ‘Posie Parkers getting more attention than me…stampy foot’ I would like to ask a question. I was, for my endless sins, raised within the same church as Kate Forbes, The Free Kirk of Scotland. I am of course a woe begotten heathen of the lesbian variety so clearly hellbound. Does that mean I am forever tarred as a bigot? Genuinely am utterly bamboozled by this line of thinking. I have people in my family who are on the shall we say scary side of religious devotion that I would still rather offer up my spare room to than some of the so called nationalists of my country or GC feminists of the world! This thinking of themselves somehow more pious and righteous applies to them all. I think that’s why I get so irked by the mean girl shite. I hold no truck with religion be it cassock or glitter based! I can’t stand someone thinking themselves somehow better be it by their religion, their politics or their belief in their liberal wokery. The nonsense of demanding that a woman denounce a group of men who turned up uninvited and proceeded to stomp all over the stories being told by the women in attendance, note how everyone is talking about the. Nazis and the TRAS but no one is asking what was said by the women. I’m just so fucking tired of this. Men are men women are women that is it.