On this I ♥ Free Software Day, let's send a heartfelt thank you to the @fsf for their unwavering dedication to software freedom. For 40 years they've stood firm in the fight for user control over computing, resisting the tide of proprietary restrictions. Their work ensures that software serves us, not the other way around. Let's keep pushing for a world where all software respects our freedom! 💙 #ILoveFS#FSF#SoftwareFreedom#FreeSoftware
Thanks for Linux-libre, we have a kernel that respects user freedom fully. A huge thank you to @lxo and everyone working on Linux-libre for ensuring that we can run our systems without proprietary blobs! 🐧💙 #ILoveFS#LinuxLibre#SoftwareFreedom#FreeSoftware
Let's not just make software free; let's keep it free. Copyleft ensures that once software is liberated, it stays that way. On this I ♥ Free Software Day, let's celebrate the power of the GPL and other copyleft licenses in protecting our rights! 🛡️ #ILoveFS#Copyleft#SoftwareFreedom#FreeSoftware
Let's not just make software free; let's keep it free. Copyleft ensures that once software is liberated, it stays that way. On this I ♥ Free Software Day, let's celebrate the power of the GPL and other copyleft licenses in protecting our rights! 🛡️ #ILoveFS#Copyleft#SoftwareFreedom#FreeSoftware
On this I ♥ Free Software Day let's take time to consider software pervades every aspect of our lives. Who controls your software? That's who controls you. Only free software ensures that you're in charge of your own computing. Choose freedom. Choose #FreeSoftware. https://www.fsf.org/videos/escape-to-freedom/#ILoveFS#SoftwareFreedom
A #ThankGNU! to Fumitoshi Ukai, Franziska Heintel, Iñaki Arenaza, and Irene and Richard Van Slyke for helping the FSF to promote #FreeSoftware To see a longer list of those who have helped us financially in our advocacy for #SoftwareFreedom and awareness: https://u.fsf.org/45m
We love the logo that the #FreeSoftware Associate Members chose for #FSF40! Check out the winning design and the other submissions we received for our FSF Anniversary Logo Contest: https://u.fsf.org/45n
O Festival Latino-americano de Instalação de Software Livre (FLISoL) é o maior evento da América Latina de divulgação de Software Livre. Ele é realizado desde o ano de 2005, e desde 2008 sua realização acontece no 4o. sábado de abril de cada ano.
Seu principal objetivo é promover o uso de Software Livre, mostrando ao público em geral sua filosofia, abrangência, avanços e desenvolvimento.
Para alcançar estes objetivos, diversas comunidades locais de Software Livre (em cada país/cidade/localidade), organizam simultaneamente eventos em que se instala, de maneira gratuita e totalmente legal, Software Livre nos computadores dos participantes. Além disso, paralelamente acontecem palestras, apresentações e oficinas, sobre temas locais, nacionais e latino-americanos sobre Software Livre, em toda a sua expressão: artística, acadêmica, empresarial e social.
O FLISOL Brasil 2025 acontece no dia 26 de Abril em diversas cidades, verifique o horário da sua cidade na listagem abaixo!
Happy I Love Free Software Day 2025! Today, we celebrate the people who contribute to Free Software. Their work is vital for our #softwarefreedomTake a moment to say THANK YOU to your favorite #freesoftware and contributors 💜 Use #ilovefs to share your appreciation and join the celebration.🎈
A #ThankGNU! to Colin Strasser, Dean Ujihara, Dock Williams, and Donald Craig for helping the FSF to promote #FreeSoftware To see a longer list of those who have helped us financially in our advocacy for #SoftwareFreedom and awareness: https://u.fsf.org/45m
Y'all are doing really good at these #trivia questions! 89% chose the correct answer (Freeware) to yesterday's question "What term is used to describe software that is free of cost but NOT free as in freedom?"
We have two more trivia questions left to celebrate #ilovefs, so there's still time to show how much you know #freesoftware
Join Codeberg e.V. – become part of the organisation; part of the resistance – and actively support this valuable ethical EU-based anti-fascist git hosting alternative:
A #ThankGNU! to Aiden Kane, Alessandro Vesely, Andrew Hamon, and Bob Proulx for helping the FSF to promote #FreeSoftware To see a longer list of those who have helped us financially in our advocacy for
@kirschner If institutions like @fsfe are unclear about the term, how we expect people to understand the difference? The issue is not the 2% engaging in this discussion. The problem is to not distinguish our movement from the 1%[i]. CEO's, like Musk[ii] and Zuckerberg[iii] have took over the term, because they took advantage of the ambiguity of the term #opensource We need to clearly differentiate from big tech and retaliate with #freesoftware ! @lxo@amszmidt@fsfe@fsf@osi
The #FreeSoftware movement is powerful because of everyday people like you who use and create free software, and support #UserFreedom in ways big and small. We're glad to share this community with you: https://u.fsf.org/457