Thanks to everyone who contributed already and if you haven't contributed, please consider contributing.
We want to demonstrate, even people who don't have any programming skills can meaningfully adapt a Free Software to fit their needs, if they come together, pool money and hire a programmer.
Need to know whether a piece of hardware is supported by free software? #hNode has you covered! Its search engine will help you verify #freesoftware compatibility.
#ThankGNU! to Adarsh Melethil, David Bruce, Deborah Jackson, James Wilson, Mikael Taipale, Peter Sluka, and Valerio Poggi for helping the FSF continue its goal of educating the public about #freesoftware See a longer list of those who have helped us financially in our advocacy for #SoftwareFreedom and awareness:
Educational institutions of all levels should use and teach #FreeSoftware because it is the only software that allows them to accomplish their essential missions: to disseminate human knowledge and to prepare students to be good members of their community
@carmenbianca > The thing that frustrates me about this is that the #FreeSoftware community wastes so much fucking time on #Stallman. [...] this man is unfit to lead the social movement for our digital liberation.
without stallman there wouldn't be the "social movement for our digital liberation". almost everyone else would lack the wit to dream up free software. even less if it was the 1980s. some gratefulness for this achievement certainly is in order.
> We are freed together as a community, not as individuals.
freedom is by definition individualist, free software is individualist. free software is voluntary contracts between individuals.
it's the polar opposite of any collectivist idea. it _especially_ has nothing in common with ridiculous ideas of abolishing property rights. ideas history has proven countless times to kill millions and not even work in the first place.
> The system of collaboration and the sharing of our digital infrastructure makes this thing liberating for all of us, not my ability to patch better Esperanto support into glibc.
the first is a direct consequence of the latter. the ability to study and modify software is precondition to collaboration and sharing in the realm of software.
> There are so many people (men…) who make this community less lovely than it is.
looks like judging people based on external characteristics is back on the menu!
> But instead of lifting up other voices, or addressing other toxicity, we're stuck endlessly dealing with this one eccentric man.
yet you comment on matters regarding RMS instead of doing these other things.
Chromebooks foisted on students? Teachers monitoring what children do outside of the classroom via nonfree software? Surveillance of children is common, and it's at your child's school, too. Support #FreeSoftware
"Free Software" identify mobile and desktop #apps, interfaces, frameworks and libraries with freedom-respecting licensing terms that guarantee the rights to execute, redistribute, study and improve their source code. #FreeSoftware is a type of #OpenSource software, so all users must always retain unlimited access to the source code.
Yes, because all Free / Libre #apps must guarantee that their source code is accessible by everyone. #FreeSoftware is a subset of #OpenSource software which grants additional fundamental rights to the end users through legal and technical means.
No, #OpenSource software doesn't offer the same fundamental rights and permissive licensing terms as #FreeSoftware. Non-free / Non-libre licenses can impose limitations on how the #sourcecode must be used, modified or redistributed.
The "-or-later" clause allows users to pick which version of the same #license they want to use, even if it was created far after the licensed software. Its usage is controversal: it creates uncertainty when determining if a software is really free and can be used to sneak in terms incompatible with #freesoftware principles. For these reasons, legal savvy developers often prefer licenses marked with "-only".