Embed this noticesimsa03 (simsa03@gnusocial.jp)'s status on Friday, 28-Mar-2025 00:16:47 JST
simsa03The danger is less that Trump takes the U.S. out of NATO or withholds nuclear deterrence thus minimizing the risk for Russia to attack a Europan NATO state. More dangerous is a U.S. military attack e.g. on Canada which will create an Article 5 incident that leads to the break-up of NATO from within.
(The North Atlantic Treaty (1949) has no provision for such an incident that member states of the alliance turn violently on each other. It was an unthinkable possibility in the times of Roosevelt and Truman but is now easily imaginable. A post-Trump NATO will have to amend the Treaty.)
Embed this noticesimsa03 (simsa03@gnusocial.jp)'s status on Friday, 28-Mar-2025 00:10:26 JST
simsa03How do you decide whether the times you're living in and living through are "dark times" or "merely" "times of high risk"? To me, with all the turmoil around, it still doesn't (or perhaps rather: no longer) feels like "dark times". It feels like "times of risk" which, to me, every time of change is.
And given your fondness of his I 'll spent more time and attention on his work. I wasn't much into his cineastic work – with the exception of "Where the Green Ants Dream" (which to me was rather a true documentary in the setting of a fable) – because in the 1980s and 1990s I found him and Wenders way too l'art pour l'art. But in today's time even their aestheticism of 40 years ago is a revolt against the "cult of practical constraints". Wender's "Wings of Desire" and in particular "Until the End of the World" are still mesmerizing to me, touching this layer of time mostly occupied by Tarkovsky but combining it with stories and colportage. But in the end, I always return to Aki Kaurismäki, Fassbinder's melancholic brother.
1) It achieved more in 5 weeks to change European stances on defence than other admins did in 30 years
2) It tries to avoid a Treaty of Versailles-like outcome for #Russia.
I don't buy into 1) as I don't share the belief that Europe has been irresponsibly "free-loading" on U.S. security guarantees. (Things are way more complex, from the Helsinki Accords (1975) to the #NATO Double-Track Decision (1979) and the "peace dividend" at the end of the Cold War (1989), the latter providing the U.S. with the opportunity to restructure and decrease its military presence in Europe.)
But 2) is a point worth pondering. Whether it accords with reality is difficult to say as Russia has pretty much always been a revanchist state harbouring grudges against the West. Still, Europe will have to live with Russia and to foster such sentiments in Russia should perhaps be avoided (if possible). But then the questions are: At what price and is this price worth paying?
In my experience (two mothers, three fathers, one change of family and adoption) it has rather harmful consequences when parents try to stay together "for the sake of the kids". That rarely works, and it places the child in the position of envoy and mediator which produces its own form of neglect and emotional turmoils thereof. Rather, people should separate responsibly, quickly, and don't treat their children as the reason for inconvenience or cause of the breakdown of the relationship. Thus, separation and divorce I understand. What I do not understand is the time it takes until parents go through with the separation.
Embed this noticesimsa03 (simsa03@gnusocial.jp)'s status on Monday, 24-Mar-2025 00:10:48 JST
simsa03I feel little pity for progressives in the US. They first enabled Trump in 2016, marched for Palestine in 2023, and now are too lazy or too afraid to turn out in numbers to protest fascism in their country. You know what? You don't deserve better. Get out and stand up or acquiesce and be a collaborator. Vichy-Democrats.
As I said a few times: Get out! And don't choose Europe, we'll have a major landwar this or next year.
Embed this noticesimsa03 (simsa03@gnusocial.jp)'s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 03:15:55 JST
simsa03This fucking internet and its moronic tech monopolies: There is still no easy way to get a website read aloud to you. You need this or that and, most egregiously, a keyboad with a fucking windows-logo-key. If you don't have that, you cannot start magnifier which has an auditory function as well. Why the shit do I have to behave like a fucking web crawler to get elemtary information? I'm still not your unpaid customer, you fucking freaks. And, yes, I know: You call *that* "ecology" or "environmentalism". Gee! Entertain yourself to death, you idiots on supplier and consumer side!
«For all three legal firms — and for others eyeing these developments with alarm — there is a near-certainty that they would lose significant numbers of clients if they lose their security clearances. In the case of Perkins Coie, the Trump administration has signaled it will not do federal business with the firm’s clients — a massive pressure point that could call the firm’s existence into question.»
The crack down on the legal sphere – one of the few potentially effective aereas of opposition – is a main goal of the Trump regime.