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Corresponding Notice
- Embed this notice[Part 3 of 3]
God's covenants follow lines, as His covenants are with His Spirit, which follows lines.
He is the root, and we are the branches. Christ is the mediator for our covenant. He is a priest "after the order of Melchizedek" (the "King Righteous"), which follows after this order: a living Man in the flesh, passing from the oldest by the Spirit to their oldest descendant by the Spirit. (Ostensibly, this would mean passing from father to eldest son—and jumping from a father who outlived their deceased eldest son to that son’s eldest son. Following this order would make Noah “the eighth preacher of righteousness”, as the NT calls him obscurely. This order of mediator would pass on and be lost (to us, by us)—and it doesn’t matter—because in that line is a Son of Man, in the flesh, who is also the root by the Spirit, the oldest descendant by the Spirit, one who will never die--a perfect mediator.)
>Continuing with "If any one may not be born from above, he is not able to see the reign of God."
Picture from Christ’s Revelation of what’s to come "His Bride, the city, the new Jerusalem.” There are twelve gates with the twelve tribes' names (one cannot enter the "city" unless through these). There is a single Tree within, bearing twelve kinds of fruit. From it flows a river.
A good tree cannot bear bad fruit; a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.
If God is faithful, then his promise that "All of Israel will be saved" is true. How can this happen, if accepting Christ is the barrier of entry? Were there and are there not fruits of the Tree that have dismissed him, that run toward vices, that even actively want to "End Whiteness", laughing about the end of this Tree?
Remember that Christ Himself dismisses that accepting Christ is the way of salvation. The *only* unforgiveable sin is blasphemy against the Spirit; one may even blaspheme the Son of Man, Christ Himself. (Yet Christ also is the way. How can these both be true? They are, and here's how.)
The conceptual issue people have when talking about this is that salvation =/= reward.
Salvation is simply and only not becoming "no more" once He returns to cast the "goats", "tares", "children of the wicked one", "the bad tree", "the works of the devil" into the lake of fire "to be no more."
This salvation is given by grace. One cannot earn it. Any idea that "If you believe/do [insert threshold], then I will give it to you" is *earning* it, by definition--just with a threshold moved. (And such takes are the reason questions like "Are babies saved?" arise, unnecessarily.) He is the root, and we are the branches. One must be born of water and the Spirit; what is flesh is flesh, what is Spirit is Spirit. The one follows the other. The Spirit follows the flesh. We are the temple. But we will die--we are a kernel, as Paul puts it. In the restoration / resurrection, we, those of God, those of the Spirit, will be given a new flesh (i.e. the flesh will follow the Spirit).
At that time, some of us, some of those of Adam, will awake to everlasting contempt--saved, but not rewarded. (Genuinely not a nod at anyone here. My coal-burning, screeching sister-in-law who thinks trannies are the epitome of morality, that there isn't an objective truth, hates Christ, sings songs about abortion, actively hates Whites and wants to protect jews? Yes, I would say that about her. Saved by the Spirit by grace, but little reward.)