cc: @silverpill @nimda @r @Suiseiseki
@mms very intersting article about ditching (screw)tube trackers on a site.... even Goolg are against their trackware lol, thanks Michal.
a corollary.... for tor browser enjoyers that use Safest mode, i strongly recommend using ublockorigin (tor in tailsOS has it) and i recommend adding the following in ublock's 'My Filter' tab to block google trackware: youtube-nocookie.comnone of the above services work in tor browser safest mode anyway, so no loss and all (#privacy) gain.
In the article a ▶️ play image is baked into the image, but this will double the amount of lossy artifacts or increase the image filesize. what has been interesting to me is to develop something using css.
it seems this instance purges images that are a few months old (see # DCN for a solution to this), so i am re-uploading the two gifs that i made in sept and published above this post.
if there is adequate interest in for this i will roll up the css sleeves. my css stills have not been honed in a while so the solution might not be the best. i'll probably use a <span> containing the domain name in an <a> tag that has the thumbnail as the bg, then a :before and :after psudo element for the external link emojis and the peertube emoji itself???
maybe there's a better way....