@rysiek @jwildeboer @smallcircles @jdp23 @laurenshof @FediThing The wikipedia explainer seems about right to me. This is what the Fediverse is. I think the problems start when people think only their own personal social network and experience of the Fediverse IS the Fediverse (ye Olde mistaking of subjectivity for objectivity). Social media by its very nature and design is inherently subjective (much like our social experiences in the physical world but even more so) because we get to choose who we see/connect with or block. The subjectivity is inbuilt but people keep trying to claim their subjectivity is objectivity. We all need to get better at dealing with multiplicity. Didn't anyone learn anything from Everything Everywhere All At Once? ;) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse