@AlexanderKingsbury @RD4Anarchy @Radical_EgoCom @ciggysmokebringer @HeavenlyPossum @gerrymcgovern @gnutelephony @whatzaname
No, you're confusing "free markets" with "capitalism", and then deciding that all of the aspects of "capitalism" that you don't like (ie. the ones enforced by the state that tilt scales in favour of capitalists) are "cronyism".
It's easily done and extremely understandable - we've all been taught that "capitalism is nothing more than free markets" by our school systems, thought-tanks and media, but it simply isn't true.
I've nothing (and I 100% mean this) against people who believe this when they haven't been made aware of how governments tilt the scales; but once you've had it explained to you, it becomes a little more problematic to believe that "capitalism=free markets" is a belief held in good faith.
Instead, it begins to look like "I'm not in favour of government interference that doesn't benefit the capitalist - like minimum wage laws - but I'm favour of government interference that *does* benefit the capitalist - like Enclosures"
Which one are you? A genuine free-marketeer? Or someone who is in favour of government interference in free-markets when it suits you?