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@hfaust >krita beats illustrator
>inkscape nowhere in sight
truly the only foss design-related program that's worse than gimp lol
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@hakui @hfaust Please do not insult; Blender, Krita and Inkscape by tarring them with the "FOSS" label.
Those are all free software programs, under GNU licenses.
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@benis_redux @hfaust @birdulon @hakui Maybe in GIMP 4 we can finally have all the shape tools like MS Paint
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@eric @benis_redux @hfaust @birdulon @hakui Those without skill issues can draw any shape they want with the ellipse tool or star brush etc.
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@eric @hfaust @birdulon @hakui he's going to leave again in six months and come back for GIMP 4 (in 10 years
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@benis_redux @hfaust @birdulon @hakui I can't believe birdulon is back
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@birdulon @hfaust @hakui wb btw \o/
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@hakui @hfaust The best part is editing it in an external text editor and reloading in Inkscape is a better workflow than using Inkscape's built-in XML editor.
I've seriously considered rolling my own SVG editor over it, but I have too many higher-priority projects to get through first.
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@birdulon @hfaust at least for gimp you can argue that it's not a specialized tool for drawing shapes so you can give it a pass for doing them outside and importing it
for inkscape there's no excuse if people would rather write xml than to wrestle through your program. beethoven's opus 13
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@hakui @hfaust My testimony of inkscape is that it has pushed me to write svg xml more often than not. Which I guess isn't far off that "use this imagemagick script to draw a circle to open in gimp" post.
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@hakui @benis_redux @eric @birdulon Using the ellipse tool and holding shift to draw a circle is in no way equivalent to mining ore and smelting a knife.
I'm clearly not the "retard" or "autist" here.
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@Suiseiseki @eric @benis_redux @birdulon "you refuse to mine your own ore and smelt your own knife every time you want to cut a carrot you must have skill issues"
retarded autistic faggot takes
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@eric @benis_redux @birdulon @hakui Looks like an ellipse to me.
It doesn't seem you have the freedom to intuitively select how thick the circle trace is unlike what GIMP offers.
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@hakui @benis_redux @Suiseiseki @birdulon how to draw a circle in mspaint (infinitely superior software)
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@hakui @benis_redux @eric @birdulon SKILL ISSUE.
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@eric @Suiseiseki @benis_redux @birdulon NOOOOOO you must spend an hour writing a script instead so you can reuse it next time!!!1!1!! (disregard that each time has different requirements
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@hakui @benis_redux @eric @birdulon
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@Suiseiseki @benis_redux @birdulon @eric your mother rues the day the shrink sent you back to her and made you her problem again, every waking moment of her life
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@hakui @benis_redux @Suiseiseki @eric @birdulon
You've been BTFO, Gimp hater. Just take the L and leave.
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@hakui @benis_redux @eric @birdulon Me on the right, you on the left.
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@Suiseiseki @benis_redux @birdulon @eric nice self portrait there
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@taylan @Suiseiseki @benis_redux @birdulon @eric >he still genuinely thinks he's High IQ and not because the shrink didn't want him killing himself on their watch and making it their problem
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@hakui @benis_redux @Suiseiseki @eric @birdulon
> He's still jealous because he doesn't have an official psychiatric assessment as a high IQ person
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@taylan @Suiseiseki @benis_redux @birdulon @eric first the Certified Not Autistic shows up, now it's the Certified High IQ lmao
the shrink office is two blocks down lad
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@Suiseiseki @benis_redux @birdulon @eric >literal "i drew you as the soy and myself as the chad" argument
and you wonder why your Certified Not Autistic diagnosis has no credibility
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@hakui @benis_redux @eric @birdulon I drew myself as the söy - I'm Dr Soystein.
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>average IQlet
>he doesn't know my iq is 3!
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@taylan @Suiseiseki @benis_redux @birdulon @eric and again the folly of the shrink made you everyone else's problem instead of theirs
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@hakui @benis_redux @Suiseiseki @eric @birdulon
Keeping telling yourself that, average IQlet.
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@hakui @hfaust I'm too torn on whether it's even a good starting point for an SVG editor. It has some pretty useful features and implementing all of them would take some effort (e.g. implementing all the curve tooling and snapping could easily take as long as the rest of the program) but it's also a very undesirable foundation to work on.
Common problem with FOSS honestly, if you want something more than small changes you very quickly start from scratch.
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@birdulon @hfaust you should push your changes, get into a heated exchange with the main developer who gets salty that some rando threatens to make half his contributions worthless and wants to block the merge, get into a scorched earth flamewar that cleaves the scene into two factions, develop a drinking habit as a result,