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@lykanthrocide @Tsuki @BowsacNoodle @SuperSnekFriend @coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad @sun
Oh so the "law against anime" is actually a law against virtual child pornography?
I was wondering what's going on there. So it's just virtual child porn addicts losing their minds and starting to screech, seethe, and lie through their teeth because their virtual child pornography might be taken away from them. Makes sense.
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@taylan @Tsuki @SuperSnekFriend @coolboymew @lykanthrocide @noyoushutthefuckupdad @sun I don't even want regular porno around, but this is a badly written law because it's ambiguous. This law can theoretically be used to make a lot of fairly innocent animation (e.g. Sailor Moon) felonious to possess. I dislike discussions related to age of consent or anything tangential to that because it brings out bad actors and bad faith arguments, but since we're here I'll call you out for being a shit head.
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@BowsacNoodle @taylan @Tsuki @SuperSnekFriend @coolboymew @lykanthrocide @noyoushutthefuckupdad @sun So true
I would hate for my no doubt numerous Texas fans to be unable to see my gobbos because I often draw Blink in short shorts
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@BowsacNoodle @taylan @Tsuki @coolboymew @lykanthrocide @noyoushutthefuckupdad @sun
Woman (?) wrote a page, albeit incomplete, to defend Molech worship and probably does heavy work in real life. She(?) should not receive arguments, only prayers for God's salvation and mockery to push her out of the Fedi.
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@Deplorable_Degenerate @Tsuki @taylan @SuperSnekFriend @coolboymew @lykanthrocide @noyoushutthefuckupdad @sun It would depend on the wording and purpose of the bill. I don't think stylized drawn characters are the same or equivalent to actual CSAM even though I don't think it's healthy. I don't think it should be equivalent from a legal perspective even if I don't think it's healthy; people shouldn't be treated worse for having potentially questionable-ages character hentai than for molesting an actual human child. That is retarded, and that's part of the current law.
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So if it was revised to specifically go after lolicon smut without making DBZ illegal because you see Goku's pecker at one point it'd be okay with you?
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@Deplorable_Degenerate @Tsuki @taylan @SuperSnekFriend @coolboymew @lykanthrocide @noyoushutthefuckupdad @sun I don't actually know the laws for Texas, but I know parts of the South and Midwest will give felony 5 bumped down to misdemeanor for groping a child below the age of 13. The fact that this is more severe than that bothers me. If they want to make it illegal and use it as a revenue stream and start issuing civil citations, I'd be all for it (provided it wasn't retardedly written). But to criminalize one type of smut and not go after the rest is weird, especially when "barely legal" porno exists.
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I didn't read through it, but this law would punish offenders worse than child molesters?
In Texas, where they keep flirting with the death penalty for pedos? But sadly keep backing off...
Granted it has been ten years. Has Texas joined the rest of the 'civilized' world in giving kiddie diddlers a ten year maximum sentence?
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I think the reason the grope is treated like that is because of how difficult it is to tell the difference between something relatively innocent or accidental vs something meant to be sexual when the act is grabbing someone with your hand.
I don't like it either, but it is like the art vs pornography thing op was talking about. We keep it vague to allow wiggle room for those exceptions. Texas also will let you off the hook for diddling a minor if you can prove A) you didn't know how old they were at the time and B) the judge deems the minor in question to look enough like an adult that you don't look like a dumbass for not questioning it.
Of course, corrupt or power tripping officials exploit that so their (((friends))) get away with things but they can nail your ass to the wall.
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As to how healthy or unhealthy it is, man I don't really care. If you jack it to drawings of children you're only marginally better than those "no contact maps" in my book.
I agree all porn should be clamped down on a bit but I am not sure barely legal is a good comparison. There's degrees to all of this and sleazing over someone who just turned 18 is bad, but it isn't going to make me distrust you like someone into toddlercon.
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@BowsacNoodle @Deplorable_Degenerate
>That is retarded, and that's part of the proposed law.
That is what floors me. Texas and the Federal government both already have anti-CSAM laws. You only need to add definitions to those current laws that realistic AI-produced CSAM is to be prosecuted by the laws already in the books. No need for this added ambiguous nonsense, which is why I think it will be abused, like what has happened in Australia, to litigate media beyond a pedo's AI output as well forcing AI devs to apply software designs and code that is beneficial to the government but harms the private American tech industry and American tech users.