You see me fun everyday. However, I detest St Patrick's day. But look at the response to me expressing my heritage by wearing orange, and stating the truth: WASP is American, and I detest St. Patrick's Day. You have spergs calling me a jew and drunks telling me to get fucked, just because they're Irish, not American.
I'm not confused, I just think you're taking this, and yourself, a little too seriously. I add flair to the site on holidays because people like it. I'm not sure if you think NCD is like some political action committee for White Nationalists but it's not. I do stuff for Halloween, Christmas, New Years, NCD's birthday, and whatever else people ask me to because the constant bitching and bickering and blackpilling gets a little old after awhile and sometimes people want to just have fun.
The biggest problem WNs have is that they all think they're above a little fun, and that drives people away from "the movement". The age of the self proclaimed super serious no-fun-allowed, "you can't do that" internet personality is over. Neither you, nor any other pro White advocate is going to get anywhere without making people laugh. I fear the entire prospect of a pro-White movement will be kneecapped by its own leaders' inability to pull their heads out of their asses.
You're right. I think I'll switch the clover for a star of Remphan, with a LGBTQ flag behind it (the old rainbow flag, not the new one, I'm a traditionalist you know) and make sure all NCD posts today are automatically translated to Hebrew.
You seem confused. WASP is America. Irish is Ireland. jew is Hellspawn. Brown and Black are subhuman It's the latter four who celebrate foreign holidays in my country.
I guess you're more interested in being Irish than American. There's a perfectly good country for that, and it's currently being invaded by niggers. Go fight for Ireland.
And I would never ask that you don't enjoy yourself. I'll be enjoying myself as well - but I might get Irish about it if some kikes or niggers show up at the roadhouse!
"The Great Gaels of Ireland are the people God made mad, for all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad."
@BattleDwarfGimli@HockeyDoxie@Huntress make sectarian violence a thing again and its not just protestants that get the bullet, godless heathens, kikes, niggers, everyone without a soul, equal opportunity slaughter
Because I'm really Irish, and I'm tired of seeing fat jew sows parading around like this, mocking my heritage and culture. These people made me this way. I used to be Captain Diversity Pants, until I started paying attention.
(squatting slav kike sow is Elissa Slotkin, the Bolshevik State Department tool from Washington DC, who was installed as a "senator of Michigan" recently)
No, comma, they don't. Pub culture is White culture. Pubs are White People gathering places. Have been forever. Our country was planned in pubs. We know because we have Ben Franklin's bar tabs from the time. All of that is jew marketing for shekels.
(bear in mind that I say none of this with malice of any sort, and I still loves ya)
She's not wrong. All these brownoid pseudoholidays are bullshit. Drinko de Mayo was NEVER an American holiday until about 20 years ago. It is literally Mexicans, celebrating a French military victory. That's what DDM is all about. Now here in Michigan, we have whole neighborhoods full of street-shitters celebrating their blue skinned death cult gods on one side of town, while the sand niggers teach their children to blow up for Mohammed during Eid.
Fuck off with that bullshit. FYI: I really detest St Pat's day, it's jewish. It's used to promote immigrant status, and denigrate heritage Americans. My "Irish" ancestors were Scottish and Protestant. I have zero Irish blood. NEVER FORGET: The 1965 immigration Act that fucked up our country was the work of jew Cellar, and Hart, a fucking Irish Catholic.