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@NonPlayableClown @Humpleupagus @charlie_root @kirby @sim
> No we have too many vindictive fucks who Would rather see their "enemy" burn to the ground.
They didn't come out of nowhere.
> Yeah about that... she's a Vtuber now.
Yeah? Weird. Guess she's gotta do something; glad she hasn't, like, gone broke and an hero'd or something.
> Well you had book wanting revenge for being defed.
"I banned a guy for doing this."
"Doing *this*? [does exactly the same shit]"
He wanted revenge for punching himself in the dick, at least ostensibly. What he wanted was to shit the place up and ruin as many instances as he could, which he said in public as well as in private, and this started long before he committed suicide by mod. (Tugging at that thread ended up revealing a couple of things about KF.)
> Then you had the rage pig Ethan Ralph going after anyone that makes fun of him.
Outside my bailiwick. All I know about him is the Mexico thing, which was hilarious.
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@p @Humpleupagus @kirby @NonPlayableClown @sim
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@p @charlie_root @Humpleupagus @kirby @NonPlayableClown @sim oh book/eris hated me too even though I tried to be nice to him
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@p @Humpleupagus @NonPlayableClown @charlie_root @kirby @sim he really hated that I gave short answers to his long posts and that I didnt respond within minutes he acted like that was an act of aggression.
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@georgia @Humpleupagus @NonPlayableClown @charlie_root @kirby @sim He hated Moon and Moon is, like, nice to a fault. He just wanted to shit the place up; nothing to read into it. Every grievance was just a pretext, a foothold he could use to climb the drama ledge.
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@RedTechEngineer @charlie_root @Humpleupagus @kirby @p @NonPlayableClown @sim hes not gone lol
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@p @charlie_root @Humpleupagus @kirby @georgia @NonPlayableClown @sim
rip moon. Gone but not forgotten.
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@georgia @Humpleupagus @NonPlayableClown @charlie_root @kirby @sim
> that I didnt respond within minutes he acted like that was an act of aggression.
Just a pretext. That's what he used when he didn't have an argument.
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@p @charlie_root @Humpleupagus @kirby @georgia @NonPlayableClown @sim Somehow cyberians never had a problem with him, freecum/sleepies hadn't either (besides stegence getting spooked by a potential fedpost), kfcc obviously hadn't too. From a few interactions I've had with him, he was quick to voice displeasure and didn't like people clutching pearls instead of getting straight to the point, none of which is unreasonable to me. Violence is there if anything more grounded fails.
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@georgia @charlie_root @Humpleupagus @kirby @p @NonPlayableClown @sim gone 4ever
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@mint @charlie_root @Humpleupagus @kirby @p @georgia @NonPlayableClown @sim dude just didn't like people controlling(wrenching) how and who he could talk to
it was funny seeing moon change his mind on stochastic terrorism after the whole sneed saga too
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@mint @Humpleupagus @NonPlayableClown @charlie_root @georgia @kirby @sim
> he was quick to voice displeasure
He was quick to shit the bed and blame it on someone that wasn't in the room.
> didn't like people clutching pearls instead of getting straight to the point, none of which is unreasonable to me.
That's not unreasonable, no, but he himself would whine incessantly under false pretenses.
> Violence is there if anything more grounded fails.
Anyone that threatens violence over mean words on the internet is a bitch, and this is easy to confirm by watching his "I'm so victimized and nothing is my fault!" routine.
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@charlie_root @Humpleupagus @kirby @p @NonPlayableClown @sim
Bot's still here, she has a new server now. I found her profile after she insta-blocked me.
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@dj @charlie_root @Humpleupagus @NonPlayableClown @kirby @sim I don't think that's bot.
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@i @mint @Humpleupagus @NonPlayableClown @charlie_root @georgia @kirby @sim
> dude just didn't like people controlling(wrenching) how and who he could talk to
Bullshit. He would threaten people for posting things he didn't like.