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@NonPlayableClown @Humpleupagus @charlie_root @kirby @sim
> No we have too many vindictive fucks who Would rather see their "enemy" burn to the ground.
They didn't come out of nowhere.
> Yeah about that... she's a Vtuber now.
Yeah? Weird. Guess she's gotta do something; glad she hasn't, like, gone broke and an hero'd or something.
> Well you had book wanting revenge for being defed.
"I banned a guy for doing this."
"Doing *this*? [does exactly the same shit]"
He wanted revenge for punching himself in the dick, at least ostensibly. What he wanted was to shit the place up and ruin as many instances as he could, which he said in public as well as in private, and this started long before he committed suicide by mod. (Tugging at that thread ended up revealing a couple of things about KF.)
> Then you had the rage pig Ethan Ralph going after anyone that makes fun of him.
Outside my bailiwick. All I know about him is the Mexico thing, which was hilarious.