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Jonny ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:56 JST Jonny
@NonPlayableClown @p @Captain80s @totalslothdeath
The sad part is that the Lebanese food truck personnel “came too the rescue” of the jewish chick running the CBD oil kiosk parked next door.
If you guys wanna write some negative 1-star online reviews for that Lebanese food truck. Be my guest.
Byblos - Lebanese shit truck, Waikiki-
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Tadg_macNuadat ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:43 JST Tadg_macNuadat
Do you drink the rum with a mixer? -
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Tiberius J. Nougat ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:43 JST Tiberius J. Nougat
He adds just a splash of turpentine.
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Jonny ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:43 JST Jonny
@lord_nougat @p @ArmadilloRancher @Captain80s @Tadg_macNuadat @Koropokkur @totalslothdeath @NonPlayableClown
Fuck you kids.
You think you’re cool?
You ain’t cool.
You’re a bunch of gay lords. -
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Jonny ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:44 JST Jonny
@Tadg_macNuadat @p @ArmadilloRancher @Captain80s @Koropokkur @totalslothdeath @NonPlayableClown
Quit with this guy. -
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Tadg_macNuadat ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:45 JST Tadg_macNuadat
You're a star attraction. Fuck NBC -
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Tadg_macNuadat ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:46 JST Tadg_macNuadat
[Sir] I am going to talk to the script writers. They're not respecting your genius. -
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Jonny ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:46 JST Jonny
@Tadg_macNuadat @p @ArmadilloRancher @Captain80s @Koropokkur @totalslothdeath @NonPlayableClown
Cute, fag ten other instances want me.
Gonna kill you. -
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Tadg_macNuadat ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:47 JST Tadg_macNuadat
I wan't to die every night. But not a jew. -
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Jonny ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:47 JST Jonny
@Tadg_macNuadat @p @ArmadilloRancher @Captain80s @Koropokkur @totalslothdeath @NonPlayableClown
Yer fucking dead, jew -
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Tadg_macNuadat ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:48 JST Tadg_macNuadat
get a load of this jew JF. -
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Jonny ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:48 JST Jonny
@Tadg_macNuadat @p @ArmadilloRancher @Captain80s @Koropokkur @totalslothdeath @NonPlayableClown
You wanna die tonight, jew? -
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koropokkur ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:49 JST koropokkur
@Jonny @Tadg_macNuadat @p @ArmadilloRancher @Captain80s @totalslothdeath @NonPlayableClown >old man is a drinker... and a fag
>one night he goes off crazier than usual
>mom tosses his buttplug out the window. he doesnt like that.
>not. one. bit.
>let's put a cock in that mouth
>why so gay? -
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Jonny ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:50 JST Jonny
@Tadg_macNuadat @p @ArmadilloRancher @Captain80s @Koropokkur @totalslothdeath @NonPlayableClown
When Matty figures out his shit,
You are a dead jew. -
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Tadg_macNuadat ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:50 JST Tadg_macNuadat
he is too busy exploding his cock or shtting his pants JF -
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Jonny ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:50 JST Jonny
@Tadg_macNuadat @p @ArmadilloRancher @Captain80s @Koropokkur @totalslothdeath @NonPlayableClown
Now that I know who you are.
I can’t wait too come kill you, retard: -
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Tadg_macNuadat ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:51 JST Tadg_macNuadat
toblerone time [sir] -
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Tadg_macNuadat ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:51 JST Tadg_macNuadat
Cookie time for me. -
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Tadg_macNuadat ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:52 JST Tadg_macNuadat
My pastor mentor was a Beruitian. -
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Jonny ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:52 JST Jonny
@Tadg_macNuadat @p @ArmadilloRancher @Captain80s @Koropokkur @totalslothdeath @NonPlayableClown
Nobody knows what that means, jew -
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koropokkur ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:53 JST koropokkur
@ArmadilloRancher @Jonny @p @Captain80s @totalslothdeath @NonPlayableClown i still want jonny to seek revenge on the shawarmanigger. -
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Jonny ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:53 JST Jonny
@Koropokkur @p @ArmadilloRancher @Captain80s @totalslothdeath @NonPlayableClown
I’m glad you said that.
The guy who made sure that I went too jail is the jew who owns the Lebanese food truck.
Have you ever written a negative 1-star review? -
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Jonny ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:54 JST Jonny
@ArmadilloRancher @p @Captain80s @totalslothdeath @NonPlayableClown
That’s just like your opinion, man. -
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Armadillo Rancher ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:54 JST Armadillo Rancher
Have you paid your Tard Tax yet? -
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Jonny ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:55 JST Jonny
@ArmadilloRancher @p @Captain80s @totalslothdeath @NonPlayableClown
Checks notes.
Jonny has been given your family farm.
You have too go back too Mexico. -
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Armadillo Rancher ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:55 JST Armadillo Rancher
Be honest , Jonny.....There were no jews. Those involved were:
- Tanya the Hawaiian chick
- The Lebanese guy at the food truck
- The Filipino cop, Officer Macadangdang
- The Chinese judge, Timothy Ho
- and your Japanese parole officer, Colleen Sakuma -
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Armadillo Rancher ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 16:23:56 JST Armadillo Rancher
The jewish chick named......[checks notes]......Tanya Gonzales?
You know you still miss her. -
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pistolero ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 20:05:25 JST pistolero
@Jonny @Tadg_macNuadat @ArmadilloRancher @Captain80s @Koropokkur @NonPlayableClown @totalslothdeath I just tack some more names onto the Iron Dome so when I get back to my desk and you're talking to a bunch of goddamn feds like they're real people, I don't have to wade through all the bullshit.
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 -
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pistolero ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 20:05:42 JST pistolero
@Jonny @Tadg_macNuadat @ArmadilloRancher @Captain80s @Koropokkur @NonPlayableClown @totalslothdeath Hey, the net's back.
Jonny, make the feds' paychecks harder to earn by ignoring them. -
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pistolero ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 20:08:25 JST pistolero
@Jonny @Koropokkur @NonPlayableClown @totalslothdeath
> If I tell Matty you are a jew, he’ll believe me.
Who gives a fuck what Matthew Limbaugh thinks?
bixnood2.png -
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Tadg_macNuadat ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 20:08:26 JST Tadg_macNuadat
its 830 over there but 1030 here. That means I am more advanced than you [sir] -
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Jonny ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 20:08:26 JST Jonny
@Tadg_macNuadat @p @ArmadilloRancher @Captain80s @Koropokkur @totalslothdeath @NonPlayableClown
If I tell Matty you are a jew, he’ll believe me. -
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Tadg_macNuadat ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 20:08:27 JST Tadg_macNuadat
I'm just a faithful sidekick. after this Imma promote publishers sweepstakes. -
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Jonny ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 20:08:27 JST Jonny
@Tadg_macNuadat @p @ArmadilloRancher @Captain80s @Koropokkur @totalslothdeath @NonPlayableClown
Matty!!!! This jew took advantage of me.
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