@MMS21 by the time he was questioning it, there was more than enough freely available information to reject the hypothesis it was faked. I don't think the idea is inherently bunk, I think it's been debunked.
@sun@MMS21 each year that goes by where there are no manned missions only adds credibility to their point unless you buy into 'lost technology of the ancients'.
@sun@MMS21 what would the year cutoff you'd say it was likely faked as the tech should be getting cheaper and better, right? 50 years? 100 years? 200 years? Eventually, the circumstantial evidence becomes quite damning.
@sun@HoneyBadgerSupreme@MMS21 the economics of it were actually bad enough that it forced rapprochement with the ussr and their space program (hence apollo-soyuz and the later shuttle-mir missions), you don't go thru all that financial trouble and engineering wizardry just to fake something that could be easily disproven by your biggest rival
@allison@HoneyBadgerSupreme@MMS21 my understanding is it's easy to say "go to the moon" but the actual cost and difficulty is really high so unless you've got a any-cost ROI like "embarrass the other empire" there's no point in doing it.
@sun@HoneyBadgerSupreme@MMS21 it did have positive effects on civilian technology later on down the line but yeah, pretty much. military applications were pretty much exhausted once we had the capability to send automated probes so sending men up there was really just a flex.
@MMS21@sun Due to all the video and photographic evidence and the moon rocks that were brought back that would be impossible to synthesize on Earth in the timeframe of a few years.
@Suiseiseki for many conspiracy theorists there is no amount of evidence that will ever convince them they are wrong. Even when they are "just asking questions." A few years ago I had a conversation with some folks who were calling for a new investigation into 9/11. I asked why. I asked what would they do if a new commission still came back with Islamic terrorists did it. They'd demand another one. Blind faith in government is bad, but blind faith against it isn't any better. I think that's why so many people who believe one conspiracy, tend to believe in a lot, even those that contradict each other.
@HoneyBadgerSupreme@sun@MMS21 One look at the decline of the America over these years is enough to destroy any doubt that we lost the ability, purely though the corruption of the institutions. Just look how NASA is unable to make a worse Shuttle with the SLS. You aren't saying Shuttle was faked, are you?