@djsumdog@sun rather than say electron is cancer ask yourself why desktop ui options are so shit people decided to emulate an entire webbrowser instead
@sun@djsumdog@eemmaa it's guis that suck man, writing the guis is the same everywhere and it fucking sucks 10 billion lines of boilerplate to receive a button click and god FORBID you have any sort of sophistication in your application that has to be dealt with on top of this.
@sun@djsumdog@eemmaa I've been meaning to try out https://github.com/nicbarker/clay to see if I like it any better than other options (qt eg) saw a youtube video where the dev was explaining his motivations and liked what he was selling
QT is not bad as far as GUI toolkits go, but it is still a huge undertaking and very quirky. I can understand why people try to emulate the browser for sure, but it's still fucking cancer.
I'm thinking of trying the Jetbrain's Compose GUI toolkit.
The most I ever made with Tcl/tk was a Message of the Day popup when I was the lab admin at my University. I think I lost the code for it though. I still use this ancient TCL script for keeping track of media I download.
@apropos@djsumdog@eemmaa@sun the existence and former popularity of tcl/tk honestly proves to me that the actual reason electron is everywhere is due to an abundance of webdevs
..or it's just easier to embed your one single Webapp in a desktop app while caching some assets. So, shared codebase? But yea, also a lot of web devs for sure.
TCL never got any other toolkits. There have been a few TCL/GTK attempts, but I think all of them went unmaintained. It also doesn't help TCL doesn't really have objects .. or .. keywords. I don't think it would scale up to big projects well.
The question is more why so many people are so infested with webdev brainworms that nothing else is accepted.
And part of the reason is that bringing down the required set of diverse skills with such consolidation helped with commodifying the labor and weakening workers, so corposcum pushed for this.
It's not like there aren't Qt/Gtk bindings for basically every language, and pretty much the entire UI can be made ina graphical editors if one doesn't feel like coding it. Even Tk has GUI designer programs available.
Hm, I've never thought about that. The core cygwin dll seems to be LGPL, so it should be easy to include. :gummythink:
Yea I guess there was never a TCL package/dependency system like cpan, pear, pypi, maven. It's a pretty minimal language when you look at the core docs; probably why it's used in some embedded systems.
@djsumdog@apropos@eemmaa@sun honestly, my incredibly spicy take on shared codebases: just use cygwin or msys2. noone's forcing you to natively support windows apis, using posix apis via cygwin is fine
as for tcl, in all honesty i think its really more that string-centric languages in general lost favor and tcl didnt have the enormous software catalogue of perl or the nigh universal availability of sh and by the time things like pygtk rolled around it was basically over