There is a very worrying report in tomorrow's Telegraph about the number of illegal immigrants living in the UK with estimates of as many as 1 in 12 people in London not having a legal right to live here.
Many in the ruling elite think that a Trump-like change couldn't happen here but they are wrong. People are getting very angry at the years of uncontrolled immigration and the obfuscation and lies about it from all political parties.
@Ziltoidia@macha The only way to answer the first part is to look at statistics, (which are only about legal migration). This chart is from Migration Watch.
Re "who is doing the mucky jobs now", I can only tell you what I am seeing on the ground in the NHS mental health sector. As a paid volunteer, I take part in staff training for new staff at the lowest level (Health Care Assistants, HCAs) and interview panels.
HCAs are the grunts of the NHS, they do everything from door security, meeting and greeting, escorting dangerous patient around, to mopping up body fluids when a domestic isn't around. The kind of work most Brits, of any ethnicity, don't want to do.
From what I see in my own area (which covers Bristol, Bath, Swindon, and North Somerset), they are overwhelmingly (like 99%) from Africa - Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana. These are the former British colonies. (The same goes for the domestics (cleaners) and cooks/servers).
These are not "black British". The grandchildren of the Windrush generation ARE in the NHS of course, but they are higher up the ladder, in nursing, admin, or middle management, as far as I can see).
(The Brexit vote was 2016, but we only 'left' on January 31st 2020. You can see the rise in migrants from Africa on the chart).
Finally, the "Islam problem" is because of migrants and agitators bringing their deadly foreign feuds to the streets of Britain, and our cowardly politicians doing nothing about it. (Its been going on long before the "small boats" and channel tunnel illegal migration, which is directly due to France not doing its duty as a safe country, and encouraging them to go on to Britain).
@macha Honest question. When the UK has left the EU, did it cause diminishing numbers of Eastern Europeans? Who were the demographic to take care of all the low prestige jobs. And if Polish etc left, didn't it leave empty spaces to be filled with illegal muslim immigrants?
Asking because I've heard many complaints about Eastern Europeans being very racist and islamophobic. And it seems from here that the islam problem got worse after Brexit.
@RadicalCartoons@Ziltoidia@macha The idea of the *mucky jobs nobody wants to do* is the interesting one. Why do people not want these jobs? I wonder if they were better paid and (just as importantly) better valued, they might have more takers. We now live in a society that *values* the credentialed rather than the competent. We have oodles of *managerial* layers in the NHS who contribute very little, but take the lions share of the dosh. I would rather have competent health care staff and support staff (who do the mucky bits) than any number of climate change/diversity teams.
@KeepTakingTheSoma@Ziltoidia@macha It's not just the "muckiness", it's the amount of all day physical work these jobs involve. Generations of British kids have been Brainwashed by the MSM that the only type of job is sitting in front of a computer in an office.
Most would not want to do, or be physically capable of, completing a restraint course, which all HCAs in the NHS MH sector have to do. (My hubby is 6' 3", he tried to pass one of these course for an employment agency, and failed it 3 times).
@RadicalCartoons@Ziltoidia@macha You're not wrong there. When society tells kids that some jobs are beneath them, we have a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately it's everywhere. I've met teachers who think that wiping a desk or washing up their own coffee mugs is a job for the little people. The arrogance. All jobs should be seen as opportunities, as a starting block. If more people did the *menial* jobs, especially public-facing roles, there might be a greater appreciation of people in general. After all, if there were no clean wards, no laundry, no emptying of bedpans etc, all the diversity officers in the world would have sod all to be in charge of. Perhaps them they might have to roll up their sleeves, don a pair of marigolds, and do some actual work.
@KeepTakingTheSoma@RadicalCartoons@Ziltoidia@macha We've been told repeatedly that no one wants to do fruit picking, but I've heard from lots of sources that it used to be very popular with SAHM mothers of older children during the summer breaks. An influx of cheap foreign labour and more women working full time has likely stopped this, but it certainly wasn't because no one wanted to do that type of work.
@Lady_Penelope@KeepTakingTheSoma@Ziltoidia@macha Yes, it was popular back in the day. I suspect increased regulation (H&S) on farmers and growers, and modern employment law killed it. After WW2, in the austerity years, going on a working holiday with the kids to the fruit and hop-picking in the West Country and Cornwall was probably a relief from the inner city.
@Lady_Penelope@RadicalCartoons@Ziltoidia@macha I remember an acquaintance of mine telling me that Brexit was terrible because we would have nobody to pick fruit because only poor Europeans were prepared to do it for a pittance. I was shocked that she regarded Europe as nothing more than a source of slave labour. If wages reflected the labour involved, maybe there would be more interest. Capitalism needs boundaries, particularly around fair wages, to prevent the mess we're currently in which encourages the trafficking of poor people who's low or non-existent wages cannot be beaten in a free market.
@Lady_Penelope@KeepTakingTheSoma@RadicalCartoons@Ziltoidia@macha The influx has not helped, but another big problem there is this bollocks re benefits now. in the past when people could more easily dip in and out the dole they could take on jobs like this, now they are trapped into a system of not being able to do things, or if they do/can there is often fall out shit, because the twats at the DWP cock it all up re payments and things and blame them. People are afraid of being left without a pot to piss in.
@KeepTakingTheSoma@RadicalCartoons@Ziltoidia@macha Himself has exploded umpteen times at kids in school over their littering and general mess making, because so often their snotty arsed answer is that's what the cleaners are for! My friends and I were doing ward maid work in the village hospital at 16/17, they wouldn't do it now for any money.
@RadicalCartoons@KeepTakingTheSoma@Ziltoidia@macha Yes, sad and very, very shocked to hear this going on back home too. My grandparents generation would keel over if they knew. Lazy bloody brats who don't want to scratch themselves from what I hear. Friends of mine trying to recruit staff and struggling, because the younger ones seem to want to do as little as possible, they expect it all for nothing, seeing same in school, won't make an effort but still demand they get top marks and their idiot parents as bad. First question asked what are my holidays, can I get time off before even in the door, wanting to work from home even when not possible and employer does not know their work track record re trusting them to do it, sometimes start and then leave and don't even hand a notice in.
There is a different problem re too many part time hours being offered and how can people live on that too, but that is a different issue to what I have been hearing from people re younger ones not wanting to do work. Is a problem though and needs sorting out.
@HebrideanHecate@RadicalCartoons@Ziltoidia@macha Willing to bet that every attempt at an honest conversation will be met with the usual straw man, ad hominem, and appeal to emotion by the usual suspect MPs and media presstitutes.
@RadicalCartoons@KeepTakingTheSoma@Ziltoidia@macha See also this crap of fixed term contracts only. There is a massive problem with this at home in NHS, and I suppose elsewhere now too, so someone needing to know it will carry on is screwed if wanting to move to take it up as a post. Buggered too should it not be.