@RadicalCartoons @KeepTakingTheSoma @Ziltoidia @macha Yes, sad and very, very shocked to hear this going on back home too. My grandparents generation would keel over if they knew. Lazy bloody brats who don't want to scratch themselves from what I hear. Friends of mine trying to recruit staff and struggling, because the younger ones seem to want to do as little as possible, they expect it all for nothing, seeing same in school, won't make an effort but still demand they get top marks and their idiot parents as bad. First question asked what are my holidays, can I get time off before even in the door, wanting to work from home even when not possible and employer does not know their work track record re trusting them to do it, sometimes start and then leave and don't even hand a notice in.
There is a different problem re too many part time hours being offered and how can people live on that too, but that is a different issue to what I have been hearing from people re younger ones not wanting to do work. Is a problem though and needs sorting out.