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That Owl and Rose were one for a brief moment
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It was extremely short but extremely cute
Like mattys wenis
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Surreal, my negga
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True. But Government was instituted because Man is not always honest and good. So Isaac’s family and fellow men around him were essentially the Government acknowledging his commitment to this woman. And if he had tried to forsake her, she could have found recourse by coming before them and stating her claim as his wife. And they would have(in theory) held Isaac to his commitment.
You can claim all day long that you are committed to this woman. But in truth you have nothing but your word to hold you bound to her. Not even her father would hold you to it, would he?
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a) he would
b) based off of that logic even legal marriage and marriage in a Church mean nothing considering the divorce rates nowadays
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I’m sincerely glad to know her father would hold you to it.
Based on current marriage law there’s definitely a case to be made that it is not true marriage by scriptual standards. A woman should never be able to strip a man of half his material possessions and his children. No matter the reasons. There was never any allowance for a woman to leave a man, only for a man to put away an unfaithful woman. Which is really a means of protecting a woman’s right to providence from the man as long as she remains faithful. It puts her security in her hands based on her behavior. But it does not give her control over his wealth.
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Indeed, Mankind is apt to forsake his word.
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Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few.
This shows that anything promised on Earth is heard by God, and He shall hold you to it as well -- I have no intention of breaking the covenant I have made with my Lord and my wife.
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Did he take her with the express intent of her being his wife? Yes. Did his family(witnesses) know that was his intent? Yes. Was it ordained by God from the way she was found? I think arguably yes.
Did he just randomly sleep with a woman and she suddenly had rights as a wife? No, that’s not what happened. It was predetermined and agreed upon what was happening. And Isaac couldn’t forsake his commitment to her because there were witnesses to it.
See the difference?
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If your commitment is only valid if there are human witnesses your word means nothing
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But you could say the point is that marriage is about commitment but Adam was basically forced to be committed to Eve out of pure lack of options.
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Yes, but Isaac had no such restriction. Isaac and Rebecca went into his mother's tent as separate people and came out as husband and wife, it's right there in Genesis 24
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Right because Adam could totally leave Eve for another woman haha
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what difference does that make? saying marriage should be implied on the basis of ability is antithetical to the institution of marriage as a whole
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It’s a throw away comment.
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mfw Adam and Eve, Isaac and Rebecca, and almost everyone else in the Bible had sex out of wedlock
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nuh uh nigga sex is wedlock
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It's not
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@d0c40r0 @Dudebro @AlabasterBrick @Owl @Rose @matty @monsignor_dickface @tyler
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I know
absolutely horrible that I came in a (((woman)))
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Done out of wedlock
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This nigger is married to 4 women biblically.
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nah I've only put my (((semen))) in one (((woman)))
unless we're counting ejaculating in the hot tub but that's a different story
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it ain't gay it's just a cock
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You're a doctor after all
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I have memories of 3 different doctors fondling my nuts at various points (not even for a physical)
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There's nothing cute about my wenis :kirismug:
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let me see nigga
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GAY :impaler: