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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 08:48:41 JST Owl Wh
what the fuck is that-
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penguin ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 08:48:39 JST penguin because you're fat? 🧐 -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 08:48:40 JST Owl oh I wouldn't know I don't go outside -
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CEO of Monoeye Dating ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 08:48:41 JST CEO of Monoeye Dating @Owl @ChadleyDudebro the moon -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 08:50:00 JST Owl Because I'm a schizoid with avoidance issues with people. -
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penguin ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 08:50:00 JST penguin 🤔
probably fat 😒 -
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penguin ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 08:50:37 JST penguin 🤔 there are normal ones out there -
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CEO of Monoeye Dating ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 08:50:38 JST CEO of Monoeye Dating @Owl @penguin @ChadleyDudebro wife material -
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penguin ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 08:51:03 JST penguin take a shower, it'll help 🤨 -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 08:51:04 JST Owl Actually I'm quite malnourished, I haven't eaten in
hell, a day and a half. Wondering why I was so cold. -
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penguin ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 08:52:02 JST penguin 🤨 absolutely not
🤨👉 MINE 👈 -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 08:52:03 JST Owl Why don't you take some of your wife's boobies and hand 'em over. -
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?? Humpleupagus ?? ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 08:53:46 JST ?? Humpleupagus ?? Owl is so far she could touch you with her stomach and still be far away. -
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penguin ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 08:56:19 JST penguin 🤨 *poor us
we have to hear it eat and see it be gross
#worsethantheholocaust -
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HarryNuggets ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 08:56:20 JST HarryNuggets @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @ChadleyDudebro @Owl Oh no.... owl's a landwhale....poor girl -
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penguin ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 08:56:39 JST penguin 🤣 -
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Captain80s ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 08:56:40 JST Captain80s Her butt is so big the Jordache on her jeans is a real horse. -
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?? Humpleupagus ?? ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 08:59:13 JST ?? Humpleupagus ?? Owl is so fat she that her boyfriend's black. 😒 -
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penguin ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:00:28 JST penguin 🧐 nigger! -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:00:29 JST Graf is gay @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro @Owl
Cunt -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:00:32 JST Graf is gay @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro @Owl
you are way blacker -
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?? Humpleupagus ?? ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:00:32 JST ?? Humpleupagus ?? In that case... what are you doing Friday night, owl? -
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?? Humpleupagus ?? ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:02:22 JST ?? Humpleupagus ?? I'm Phone fagging while typing a contract. I don't have time for grammar. 😏 -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:02:23 JST Owl >She that her
It's okay Paco I also struggle with English. Also what's this nigger-loving shite. 🧐 -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:03:34 JST Owl the only thing you're contracting is AIDS.......................................... -
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?? Humpleupagus ?? ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:03:34 JST ?? Humpleupagus ?? Not again. 😒 -
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?? Humpleupagus ?? ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:09 JST ?? Humpleupagus ?? It's not a secret. 😒 -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:10 JST Owl That's my secret, I'm never happy. -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:11 JST Graf is gay @Owl @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro
i am happy that you are happy -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:12 JST Graf is gay @Owl @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro
yeah i keep forgetting you fucked graf -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:12 JST Owl Yeah absolutely just mmm I love him so much that sex do be sexual and shit, absolutely. -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:13 JST Graf is gay @Owl @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro
stop forgetting i had Ocean Redux above the 2 of you lol -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:13 JST Owl What do you mean, "Had?" You never fucked her m8. -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:14 JST Owl So what you're saying is you choose to lose. :HazeSmug: -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:14 JST Graf is gay @Owl @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro
stop being edgy -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:14 JST Owl Stop worshiping graf on the timeline. -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:15 JST Owl I'd say that's a loss regardless. Yes. -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:15 JST Graf is gay @Owl @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro
talking to you is loosing in real time -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:16 JST Owl alright, call him up. winner gets to take his fiancee to the altar. -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:16 JST Graf is gay @Owl @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro
wait if i loose i have to marry his bitch ? -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:17 JST Graf is gay @Owl @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro
you think ? -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:17 JST Owl absolutely, he's so much more manly than you............... -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:17 JST Graf is gay @Owl @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro
aight lets set up a fight then -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:18 JST Graf is gay @Owl @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro
if anything i would be his
lets not go there -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:18 JST Owl graf could beat your ass........ -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:20 JST Graf is gay @Owl @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro
well at leat i never said daddy Graf is that you -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:20 JST Owl graf is your father. -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:21 JST Owl Dutch's mother. -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:21 JST Graf is gay @Owl @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro
lol you woudnt be able to handle my mommy -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:21 JST Owl >this nigga's in his 40s and said "mommy"
Dicey is that you? -
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?? Humpleupagus ?? ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:43 JST ?? Humpleupagus ?? I can fix her. 😏 -
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Hoss Delgado ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:13:44 JST Hoss Delgado So did you quit your mortuary job because you kept looking down at the corpse on the table and being like "God, I wish that was me"? -
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?? Humpleupagus ?? ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:16:37 JST ?? Humpleupagus ?? No. 😤 -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:16:38 JST Owl Nigga fix yourself. 🧐 -
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penguin ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:18:17 JST penguin lies 🙄 -
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Xuya ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:18:18 JST Xuya @Owl @Dutch @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro I thought you had leave us again owl-chan -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:18:18 JST Owl I'm going to soon, worry not your little head! -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:18:19 JST Graf is gay @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro @Owl
dont make me like you Elephantitus -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:18:19 JST Owl >Don't make me lick you Elephant
Excuse me? 🧐 -
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penguin ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:20:17 JST penguin 🤯 -
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Xuya ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:20:18 JST Xuya @Owl @Dutch @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro here :buceespet:
I am too -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:20:19 JST Owl I'm dumb. 🐈 -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:20:20 JST Owl It's gotta be done, fedi likes and (You)s doesn't put bills on the table. -
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Xuya ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:20:20 JST Xuya @Owl @Dutch @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro i don't understand your owl speak 🤔 -
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Xuya ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:20:21 JST Xuya @Owl @Dutch @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro don't do this thing :angrycry: -
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penguin ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:27:07 JST penguin *you're
retard 😒 -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:27:08 JST Graf is gay @Owl @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro @tyler @1nter4ri
well you like them
that means your gay -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:27:09 JST Owl you know they're not gay shut up -
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Xuya ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:27:10 JST Xuya @Owl @tyler @Dutch @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro the gays? -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:27:10 JST Graf is gay @1nter4ri @Humpleupagus @penguin @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro @Owl @tyler
Graf and Pete ? -
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Tyler ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:27:11 JST Tyler Let me introduce you to the jidf -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:27:11 JST Owl I would love to play on the side of the bad guys, no lie.
I'd be good at it. -
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penguin ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:28:11 JST penguin 🍺😃🍿 -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:28:12 JST Graf is gay @penguin @Humpleupagus @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro @Owl @tyler @1nter4ri
do you want me to turn on you gay fish ? -
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penguin ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:30:54 JST penguin 🤔
no, that wasn't very good.
try xuya (low hanging fruit) -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:30:55 JST Graf is gay @penguin @Humpleupagus @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro @Owl @tyler @1nter4ri
how is life gay fish ?
made any friends ?
or do you need another
6 month break ? -
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penguin ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:31:48 JST penguin what 😐 -
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Xuya ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:31:49 JST Xuya @penguin @Dutch @Humpleupagus @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro @Owl @tyler what? -
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penguin ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:32:46 JST penguin 🤷🏼♂️ -
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Xuya ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:32:47 JST Xuya @penguin @Dutch @Humpleupagus @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro @Owl @tyler what did the little birb mean by this? -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:34:54 JST Owl When I'm dedicated to shitting something up, it works. You know that very well. :HazeSmug: -
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Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:34:54 JST Omega Variant We ain't talking about a toilet -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:34:54 JST Owl Piss. -
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Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:34:55 JST Omega Variant Your far to sensitive for a bad guy -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:36:36 JST Owl Jew it up. -
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penguin ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:36:36 JST penguin 🧐
you need a snickers 😒 -
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penguin ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:38:13 JST penguin 🙄 that's owl not me, dum dum -
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Graf is gay ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:38:14 JST Graf is gay @penguin @Humpleupagus @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Captain80s @ChadleyDudebro @Owl @tyler @1nter4ri
Stop using Jonnies avatar that is gay even for you -
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Owl ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:46:08 JST Owl How drunk is Dutch right now? -
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penguin ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 09:46:08 JST penguin all the drunk 😑
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