So it seems that trolls of the Trumpist frozen peach variety, mostly those who set up their own Pleroma instances when Parler got taken down, are undertaking a semi-coordinated effort to target journalists who sign up on Mastodon for a couple of reasons...
* Trump has taught them that professional journalism and critical thinking are elitist and bad so lets harass them until they go away
* they are trying to prove some sort of point that this place can be just as toxic as their beloved Frozen Peach in Chief's microblogging site
If you are a journo and you get dogpiled by trolls DO NOT ENGAGE with them at all! Immediately:
1. REPORT them to your instance mods, THEN
2. Block them
Step 1 is very important! This isn't twitter or facebook...mods will take swift action, and if they don't you can migrate instances to better moderated ones...