@lpheathen2@TrevorGoodchild I’m sure Dread can put two and two together when someone who antagonizes gets blocked and then someone else shows up doing the same thing, it’s probably a concerted effort. So he blocks them too. It’s really not that big of a deal if you just want to hear some pretty good takes on America and other adjacent topics.
@bobbala@6gorillanbarsofjewsoap@Starprophet1@TrevorGoodchild@petra As another example "sciences' war on saturated fats, salt, and cholesterol and eve though the science never proved these positions due to a deadly combination of hubris and profit motive they to this day hate to admit they were wrong.
@Starprophet1@6gorillanbarsofjewsoap@TrevorGoodchild This is far from the only reason for that but it is one. That being said i'm not sure the enlightenment was necessarily good for humans. I'm not at all hostile to science but there is something intrinsic to science (and its practitioners) that wants to remove wonder and reduce us to the status of animals.
A. As the sciences become more and more militanrly atheist they must twist science and reality to make their points.
B. As science becomes more militantly atheist it must of necessity become more corrupt and it has to the tune of entire scientific journals closing due to corruption
I don't watch videos of a man talking. I read transcripts however.
That said... Islam says that God is absolute will, so claiming that God put dinosaur bones to "test believers," then instantly removes them as if they never existed doesn't undermine Islam. As long as God's absolute will to make "up" into "down," and "down" into "up," is never denied.
But it undermines Christianity, and it did undermine Christianity in the West. Nobody on Planet Earth takes Anglophone Christianity seriously.
There are still remnants whose foundation is the Bible and they see it slipping away. For a certain class of sensitive souls I become the avatar of this immense culturedeath. The mere presence of beings like myself is intensely painful to them. Which is what mute is for.
The most valuable contribution of Christianity to Mankind, is the concept of Λόγος and the primacy of truth.
So when a McChristian goes and claims that God is a liar, that God created incoming light 6,000 light years away from galaxies billions of light years away, and that God deceptively created the common DNA tree of life to trick honest people into hell, the McChristian undermines the foundation of Christianity.
@feralphilosophernc There's a certain subclass of retard that becomes personally offended when you tell them to their face "You are fucking retarded and I don't want to hear from you any further, goodbye"
They feel as if the ironclad laws of the internet entitle them to your attention. Very feminine behavior.
@TrevorGoodchild God help me I just saw a clip of Jordan Peterson that had some insight on the memetic delta driving this tempest in a teapot.
There are still remnants whose foundation is the Bible and they see it slipping away. For a certain class of sensitive souls I become the avatar of this immense culturedeath. The mere presence of beings like myself is intensely painful to them. Which is what mute is for.
Seriously... Who lets that guy rile them up? Fuckers need some thicker skin. I've been watching people take the bait since early frogsite, man. It's like people don't get that they can ignore a thread with which they disagree. Crazy cuckoo bananas concept, BUT IT WORKS!
Never take any scientific theory, no matter how well-tested it is, as dogma. It would've helped the Western Church if it took that warning from St. Augustine in the 5th Century Roman Empire seriously.
That said, compressing the speed of light from billions of light years to 6,000 years will have a destabilizing effect on nuclear reactivity.
One also should understand, that nuclear reactor protection analysis assumes that the speed of light is a constant (E=mc^2), otherwise, predicting reactivity turning is going to be impossible.
@Starprophet1@petra@6gorillanbarsofjewsoap@bobbala@Escoffier@TrevorGoodchild Well yeah … but there *could* theoretically be something else going on there that’s yet poorly understood. Any proposed alternative theoretical model has to account for that. Since I consider the velocity of light more significant than the speed, it still works because there’s infinitesimal difference at those scales.
Even Newton mused that it didn't make sense for gravity to act instantaneously between two rocks, one on the Earth and one on the moon. Despite his equation of gravitation. He intuited that something was wrong. That there should be a finite time for an effect to propagate from one point to another in the universe, however fast it might be.
And he was right. In one of Landau and Lifshitz's volumes, The Classical Theory of Fields. Vol. 2, I think, they start with the premise that the propagation of an effect is finite. And all of special relativity drops out from there. Using nothing but high school algebra. no calculus required.
Newton was that close 400 years before Einstein.
It's just empirically observed that the finite propagation speed is the same as the speed of light.
As far as I know there's no particular reason why that must be so. But I could just be ignorant in that regard.
One sees a world that emerged out of nothing & chaos but thru millenia of time and selection everything is getting better and better. Until one day we will have constructed a paradise fit for Christ to reign.
Another see a perfect creation of God that is fallen into corruption thru the sin of man. We're desperate for the return of our Savior.
Obviously, one of these two models is batshit crazy.
@bobbala@6gorillanbarsofjewsoap@Starprophet1@Escoffier@KingOfWhiteAmerica@TrevorGoodchild@petra I don't even know how crazy it is to think in either direction on this one. My prior comment grounds the latter, and existential observation the former. Tikkun Olam enjoyers (camp 1) are doing a pretty good job trying to erase history. Their narrative control is weak though, so it's just damaging their own credibility. God is in control either way, so I'm not mad.