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Is this as big of a deal as it seems?
Isn't J P Morgan the CIA's cash register?
Team B has to respond to this.. wew lads.
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@Leadmaus @Shlomo @judgedread @TrevorGoodchild normally I don't like these, but something about "donkey show" was just too hilarious.
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@Leadmaus @Shlomo @judgedread Half a billion dollars isn't really a big deal to the Morgue. They may kick and scream but at the end of the day as long as the US dollar is still the reserve currency they will just suck it up
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@doonxib @Shlomo @TrevorGoodchild @CoQ_10 @Leadmaus @judgedread I think the message being sent though is "f@ck around and find out". GAE can take the hit, but can places Denmark which hold a huge share of Russian assets (Russia 5 years on: "Oh sorry Danes, one of your planes landed in territory that's friendly to us so we'll just be taking that, and also: we're not sorry")
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@doonxib @TrevorGoodchild @CoQ_10 @Leadmaus @judgedread Speaking of that. this is just one example. there's much more movements right now in russia to collect assets. the total amount isnt counted yet
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@Shlomo @TrevorGoodchild @CoQ_10 @Leadmaus @judgedread See, I have no idea what this actually means in terms of existing assets. It sounds stupid to say, "lots of stuff." But, that's what it really boils down to in the end. Is this counties worth of holdings? Cities? Countries? Who knows. Is it valued through inflation speculative arm chair horseshit on assets that can never be legally traded so that it's value is impossible to determine? Who knows.
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@CoQ_10 @Leadmaus @Shlomo @judgedread ZOG stole 200 billion plus from Russia and I hope they carve it back with interest, 500 million is a rounding error
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@TrevorGoodchild @CoQ_10 @Leadmaus @Shlomo @judgedread At the scale of what was taken vs the actual holdings it's hard for the average person to grasp physicality when numbers are bandied about like this. Especially in a rapidly deflationary death spiral. But, Russia had much of what was officially theirs illegally taken from them in both the US and European countries. So, now Russia is simply taking what is sitting on their soil in retaliation through nationalization/criminal prosecution for war crimes. I'm not sure how "tight" Russia is when it comes to stuff like this. For example would Putin simply saying, "confiscate this shit" be enough? Or, do they have actual courts and rulings to go through and local community meetings and what not. But, doubtless. Russia will be able to claim back most of the equivalent stolen physical holdings through domestic actions. Even if it comes up short dollar per dollar rated value.
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@TrevorGoodchild @Leadmaus @Shlomo @judgedread That's what, about 1.5% of the amount of frozen Russian assets?
JP Morgan can find that much under the couch cushions.
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@doonxib @EvilSandmich @Shlomo @TrevorGoodchild @CoQ_10 @Leadmaus @judgedread as infogarfic
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@EvilSandmich @Shlomo @TrevorGoodchild @CoQ_10 @Leadmaus @judgedread Yes, I believe that's the message. All yer base are belong to us.
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@jb @CoQ_10 @EvilSandmich @Leadmaus @Shlomo @TrevorGoodchild @doonxib @judgedread yes, kind of.
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> as infogarfic
when I read that it looks like a case of the US saying “let’s you and him fight” to Europe and Russia