@meeper@pernia yeah for native wayland you can only do pgtk, console is an option if you're willing to stomach a terminal emulator otherwise I heard someone is porting over haiku userland to netbsd so that may be an option somewhere down the line (?)
@pernia@meeper not if you use it on a sane platform no, there are native frontends for haiku, gnustep, win32, and cocoa, xaw3d/athena, and probably others I'm forgetting
@meeper@pernia It's unironically super cool, top flight west coast Lisp Machine software which is actually free and available for general use now. I actually remember shooting off an email to Larry Masinter a few years back asking if anything would ever happen with it and he replied saying the rights were a thorny mess but big things would happen once they were cleared up. And my goodness did he ever deliver on that.
emacs is the one good gnuware and it's not rhtakeover'ed or badwormed like gcc and glibc
pernia honestly I used to be an absolute vitard and terminal brained. until I actually gave it a fair chance after the ephiphany that terminals absolutely suck
genuinely it's closer to acme than gtkcrap gui editors
there is some gnu/brainworms but emacs is extremely customizeable and open ended that it's trivial to remove it.
also use some shit like doom emacs after understanding it a bit which removes gnu/worms and optimizes a lot of stuff
@pernia@allison I'll go as far to even say when the essentials of emacs (the frames windows, and how characters and other things are treated) refactored a bit are much better than even acme
@pernia@meeper config with saner defaults than vanilla, meme way of versioning third party packages, idk what else I'm not super up to date on the gnu emacs world
@meeper@pernia default emacs bindings are broadly sensible and mnemonic, but the usage of modifier keys is excessive. meow mostly fixes this at the cost of making it a modal editor so it's definitely something I have my eye on
@pernia@meeper acme is good but it makes too many simplifying assumptions which hurt it with things like editing sexp lisp code (no native indentation and parentheses matching) and the support for non block based languages is poor even if it's natively utf8. that being said, I'm sure we can all agree here that vi bindings are not great and you can easily do better for yourself no matter your eventual inclination.
@pernia@meeper sexp is a shorthand for s expressions, the syntax (and ast/internal data representation, because in most lisps the two things are actually one and the same) of pretty much every lisp. parentheses matching is useful because large lisp programs accumulate a lot of parentheses and manually matching stuff like (((((()))))) is incredibly annoying (some non-emacs lisp editors go as far as providing full structure editing because of this, like what medley interlisp does). non block languages are languages where the script used for the letters needs to be kerned and combined at runtime, the letters don't fit in individual blocks like they do with most common scripts like latin or cyrillic. examples of such scripts would be devanagari (relevant to meeper), arabic (relevant to me for reasons), and then much weirder stuff like phags-pa.
@pernia@meeper I'm pretty much in the "you really *really* want a structure editor for lisp specifically" camp, so emacs feels like a half measure to me. And yeah, non block languages are wild. There's actually this gentleman in Iran who wrote pretty much his entire computing environment to run on top of the Linux framebuffer, and all his tools have full support for them which is just wild. https://litcave.rudi.ir/
@pernia@meeper would be some funny crosspollination if so given that it's literally modelled off plan9 troff, even as far as the macros neatroff being 100% compatible with the troff shipped by 9front.
@pernia@meeper the first really good declarative typesetting language made next to the (far inferior imho) sgml, the main imprint it had was in influencing leslie lamport to make latex as a kind of ghetto scribe on top of tex, and in the time bomb functionality it implemented along with the subsequent commercialization efforts of it by the author (brian reid) being one of the main formative influences on richard stallman to start the gnu project and the free software movement as we know it
@pernia@meeper yeah it was, 90 days or something and then you had to buy the software. eventually they opted for a more conventional shrinkwrap model but by that time it was kind of already on the out and out. stallman for his part decided to write texinfo as a sort of scribe++ with hypertext capabilities but it got about as much adoption as you'd expect any stallman thing to get outside of emacs, gcc, and gdb. also scott burson (while he was employed at mark of the unicorn, now famous for making midi gear and digital audio workstations) made a clone of it for micros called scribble alongside a rough emacs clone called mince and both of those sold rather well and had a couple of commercial descendants in the form of perfectwriter and borland sprint.
@meeper@pernia probably, there were a couple of other (later) typesetting systems also called scribe which took some influence from it but weren't the same thing.