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þernia ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 12:01:29 JST þernia OHHHHH BABBYYYYYYYY
ITS SCRUMBLE TIME!!!!!!! :scrum: :chiggoball: :chelq: :selq: :babyraper: 🇨🇵 :SSBBW:
GET IN AND WIN 0.1 GRANS FOR ATTENDING (terms and conditions apply[1])
STARTIN IN 10, imma fetch some BEER
:zulk: default port :selq:
cc @mia @kirby @sysrq @sysrq @kirby @MK2boogaloo @vriska @MercurialBlack @aeiou @MercurialBlack @mint @nimt @ehhh @aeiou @shibao @f0x @p @cassidyclown @Inginsub @chog9 @Lyx @Moon @disarray @anemone @meso- pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: and Pleroma-tan like this.
- Pleroma-tan repeated this.
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Pleroma-tan ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 12:01:57 JST Pleroma-tan @pernia @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @Lyx @chog9 @nimt @ehhh @meowski @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @mia @p @sysrq @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso i may or may not be able to get in. if i do get in i will not be able to talk for sure pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: likes this. -
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mia ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 12:02:23 JST mia @pernia @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @meso @mint @nimt @p @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska
I might poke my head in ~30 min.pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: and Pleroma-tan like this.Pleroma-tan repeated this. -
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Maija Maijčika 🌲 ( Arc) ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 12:28:50 JST Maija Maijčika 🌲 ( Arc) @pernia @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @Lyx @chog9 @nimt @ehhh @meowski @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @mia @p @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso thank god im not tagged in this shit anymore yall some faggots Pleroma-tan likes this. -
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Lyx ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 12:38:32 JST Lyx @mia @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @p @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso its been 35 mjnutes u need to cum on our backs or what ever pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: and Pleroma-tan like this.Pleroma-tan repeated this. -
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mia ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 12:40:37 JST mia @Lyx @Inginsub @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @meso @mint @nimt @p @pernia @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska
I'm literally here already, Pernia is no show.pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist:, ✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: and Pleroma-tan like this.Pleroma-tan repeated this. -
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Lyx ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 12:41:00 JST Lyx @pernia @Inginsub @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @meso @mia @mint @nimt @p @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska @meowski vas ist das mines liba¿ it sure sounds fun pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: and Pleroma-tan like this. -
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Pleroma-tan ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 12:43:07 JST Pleroma-tan @mia @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @Lyx @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @p @sysrq @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso pernia has arrived pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: likes this. -
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Lyx ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 12:44:52 JST Lyx @mia @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @p @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso oh hes probably enjoying some 🇨🇵 or somethung funny like thay i bet hell :abortion: very soon. Bitg to the :cpcoin: and the thread ha Pleroma-tan likes this. -
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pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 12:53:14 JST pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: @pernia @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @meso @mia @mint @nimt @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska What? Pleroma-tan likes this.Pleroma-tan repeated this. -
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mia ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 12:53:49 JST mia @p @pernia @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @meso @mint @nimt @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska
Voice chat, on mumble.pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: and Pleroma-tan like this. -
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Pleroma-tan ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 12:53:49 JST Pleroma-tan @p @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @Lyx @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @mia @sysrq @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso mumble :D pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: likes this. -
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Lyx ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 12:54:00 JST Lyx @kirby @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @mia @p @sysrq @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso yay!¡! Atill not sure what this is, and idont need any 10grums im just here for fun Pleroma-tan likes this. -
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pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 12:54:17 JST pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: @m @pernia @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @meso @mia @mint @nimt @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska :no_u2: Pleroma-tan repeated this. -
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pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 12:59:55 JST pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: @mia @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @meso @mint @nimt @pernia @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska Am I not audible? -
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Pleroma-tan ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 13:00:02 JST Pleroma-tan @p @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @Lyx @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @mia @sysrq @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso no pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: likes this. -
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Lyx ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 13:02:57 JST Lyx @p @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @m @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @mia @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso are you gonna participate¿ if i could i would id probably have to ask @Zerglingman for help he knows all things tech at all times pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: and Pleroma-tan like this.Pleroma-tan repeated this. -
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Maija Maijčika 🌲 ( Arc) ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 13:03:40 JST Maija Maijčika 🌲 ( Arc) @p @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @Lyx @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @mia @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso yeah bend over pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: likes this. -
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mia ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 13:03:43 JST mia @p @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @meso @mint @nimt @pernia @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska
Mic isn't working nopistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: likes this. -
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pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 13:04:21 JST pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: @mia @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @meso @mint @nimt @pernia @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska I think it's the net connection. -
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('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 13:05:36 JST @pernia @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @Lyx @chog9 @nimt @ehhh @meowski @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @mia @p @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @Moon @meso Nigga, not only you put it at 6 in the morning, you also put it on a FUCKING THURSDAY. The hell's wrong with you, man? pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: likes this.Pleroma-tan repeated this. -
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armpit licker feet smeller ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 13:07:03 JST armpit licker feet smeller @p @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @Lyx @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @mia @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @mint @Moon @meso invite me to the hellthread you pricks god dammit pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: likes this. -
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pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 13:07:16 JST pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: @tiskaan @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @meso @mia @mint @nimt @pernia @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska You are hereby formally invited to the hellthreads. -
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mia ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 13:07:26 JST mia @tiskaan @p @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @meso @mint @nimt @pernia @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska
GET ON MUMBLE YOU CHUCKLE FUCKS.pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: likes this. -
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Lyx ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 13:08:18 JST Lyx @tiskaan @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @mia @p @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @mint @Moon @meso what the shit your not my best friend mercurial black ¿ pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: likes this. -
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armpit licker feet smeller ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 13:08:48 JST armpit licker feet smeller @Lyx @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @meowski @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @mia @p @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @mint @Moon @meso i think he stopped fedi bcos of uni pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: likes this. -
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Lyx ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 13:08:55 JST Lyx @tiskaan @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @meowski @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @mia @p @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @mint @Moon @meso that makes me want to kill all colleges that ever have and ever will exist pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: likes this. -
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Lyx ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 13:55:38 JST Lyx @pernia @m @Inginsub @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @meowski @meso @mia @mint @nimt @p @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska im a professional and believe me, by the looks of that computer map of coding id say you probably won the internet. Maybe pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: and Pleroma-tan like this.Pleroma-tan repeated this. -
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þernia ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 13:55:40 JST þernia @m @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @Lyx @chog9 @nimt @ehhh @meowski @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @mia @p @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso sour grapes pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: likes this.Pleroma-tan repeated this. -
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sysrq ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 13:58:34 JST sysrq @Lyx @pernia @Inginsub @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meso @mia @mint @nimt @p @shibao @sysrq @vriska
Get on fumblepistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: and Pleroma-tan like this. -
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Lyx ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 14:02:57 JST Lyx @sysrq @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @m @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @mia @p @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso no can do no power outlet and limited juoce my dude. My time will come dont worry pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: likes this. -
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Machismo ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 14:12:30 JST Machismo @Lyx @p @Inginsub @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meso @mia @mint @nimt @pernia @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska I'm just some retard with opinions and free time. pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: and Pleroma-tan like this.Pleroma-tan repeated this. -
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þernia ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 14:13:42 JST þernia @mint @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @Lyx @chog9 @nimt @ehhh @meowski @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @mia @p @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @Moon @meso mungle pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: and Pleroma-tan like this. -
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Lyx ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 14:16:54 JST Lyx @Zerglingman @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @m @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @mia @p @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso blek no way your the coolest :1613912156390: pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: and Pleroma-tan like this.Pleroma-tan repeated this. -
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mia ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 14:34:55 JST mia @Lyx @Zerglingman @Inginsub @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meso @mint @nimt @p @pernia @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska
My connection keeps eating shit. Someone knocking me offline.pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: and Pleroma-tan like this.Pleroma-tan repeated this. -
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Pleroma-tan ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 14:35:07 JST Pleroma-tan @mia @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @m @Lyx @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @Zerglingman @f0x @kirby @p @sysrq @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso i'm sorry moth i will stop the ddos attack :( -
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✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 14:35:54 JST ✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: @kirby @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @m @Lyx @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @Zerglingman @f0x @kirby @mia @p @sysrq @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso AH, so thats what you were doing :alex_lol: pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: and Pleroma-tan like this. -
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sysrq ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 14:37:35 JST sysrq @mia @Lyx @Inginsub @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @Zerglingman @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meso @mint @nimt @p @pernia @shibao @sysrq @vriska
They got the jammers out, RUNpistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: and Pleroma-tan like this. -
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Machismo ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 14:37:43 JST Machismo @mia @Lyx @Inginsub @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meso @mint @nimt @p @pernia @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska Then knocking you up. pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: and Pleroma-tan like this. -
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þernia ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 14:47:42 JST þernia @mia @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @m @Lyx @chog9 @nimt @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @Zerglingman @f0x @kirby @p @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso b&nned pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: and Pleroma-tan like this. -
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sysrq ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 15:10:54 JST sysrq @chog9 @pernia @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meso @mia @mint @nimt @p @shibao @sysrq @vriska
Smokin' that Whoopi Goldberg South Egyptian Fur Burger Deluxe Mega Millions Scratcher Skunk Bubba KushPleroma-tan likes this.Pleroma-tan and repeated this. -
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chog9 ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 15:10:56 JST chog9 @pernia @m @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @meowski @meso @mia @mint @nimt @p @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska I smoked too much I'm incapable of forming coherent sentences Pleroma-tan likes this.Pleroma-tan repeated this. -
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chog9 ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 15:11:03 JST chog9 @sysrq @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @m @Lyx @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @f0x @kirby @mia @p @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso and Pleroma-tan like this.Pleroma-tan repeated this. -
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chog9 ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 15:11:24 JST chog9 @pernia @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meowski @meso @mia @mint @nimt @p @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska Pleroma-tan likes this. -
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þernia ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 15:11:25 JST þernia @chog9 @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meowski @meso @mia @mint @nimt @p @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska JOIN Pleroma-tan likes this.Pleroma-tan repeated this. -
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þernia ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 15:11:35 JST þernia @chog9 @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meowski @meso @mia @mint @nimt @p @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska Pleroma-tan likes this. -
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þernia ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 15:12:26 JST þernia @chog9 @sysrq @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meso @mia @mint @nimt @p @shibao @sysrq @vriska @meowski JOIN NIGGA Pleroma-tan likes this.Pleroma-tan repeated this. -
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chog9 ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 15:12:48 JST chog9 @pernia @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meowski @meso @mia @mint @nimt @p @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska I can't speak, I'd have to stop mewing if I did and Pleroma-tan like this.Pleroma-tan repeated this. -
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þernia ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 15:13:03 JST þernia @chog9 @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meowski @meso @mia @mint @nimt @p @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska SPEAK NIGGER Pleroma-tan likes this. -
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('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 16:09:57 JST @pernia @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @meowski @meso @mia @nimt @p @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska That ought to be the longest one yet. I had fun, thanks babes. Pleroma-tan likes this.Pleroma-tan repeated this. -
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sysrq ('s status on Thursday, 05-Oct-2023 16:19:31 JST sysrq @mint @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @meso @mia @nimt @p @pernia @shibao @sysrq @vriska
Just longer than two and a half hours and Pleroma-tan like this. -
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mia ('s status on Friday, 06-Oct-2023 13:56:55 JST mia @Inginsub @Lyx @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @Zerglingman @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meso @mint @nimt @p @pernia @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska
Please, my paki poon brap hog princess, why have you left us? likes this. -
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:ihavenomouth: ('s status on Friday, 06-Oct-2023 13:56:56 JST :ihavenomouth: @mia @aeiou @cassidyclown @m @Lyx @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @Zerglingman @f0x @kirby @p @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso got assigned to infiltrate another community -
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mia ('s status on Friday, 06-Oct-2023 13:56:57 JST mia @Lyx @Inginsub @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @Zerglingman @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meso @mint @nimt @p @pernia @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska
Where's bot btw? I heard she's dead. I need confirmation before I celebrate though. -
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mia ('s status on Friday, 06-Oct-2023 13:56:58 JST mia @Lyx @Inginsub @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @Zerglingman @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meso @mint @nimt @p @pernia @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska
low info retard tries to convince someone who actually knows, hilarious.
maybe eris will let you wash his bedsores if you keep sucking him off, jew. -
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Lyx ('s status on Friday, 06-Oct-2023 13:56:59 JST Lyx @mia @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @m @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @Zerglingman @f0x @kirby @p @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso oh you must notve seen this yet. Yeah your "friend" and his 4chin admins had a private place where people could link them cp to ban,turning it into a defacto cp hub. But i couldnt hear much through your sad beta male child rapist defending 2g connection -
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mia ('s status on Friday, 06-Oct-2023 13:57:00 JST mia @Lyx @Inginsub @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @Zerglingman @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meso @mint @nimt @p @pernia @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska
> discord
Now I know you're just taking shots in the dark.
> at least a 3g connection
Phonefags go to gulag.In conversation permalink -
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mia ('s status on Friday, 06-Oct-2023 13:57:02 JST mia @Lyx @Inginsub @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @Zerglingman @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meso @mint @nimt @p @pernia @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska
Halfwit going off half-cocked. Eat my whole ass.In conversation permalink -
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Lyx ('s status on Friday, 06-Oct-2023 13:57:02 JST Lyx @mia @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @m @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @Zerglingman @f0x @kirby @p @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso sorry i dont speak crybaby and i only speak to people with at least a 3g connection. Maybe you could email graff and ask him to add you to his baby rape discord or something, that might make you feel special In conversation permalink -
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Lyx ('s status on Friday, 06-Oct-2023 13:57:03 JST Lyx @mia @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @m @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @Zerglingman @f0x @kirby @p @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso probably half tge people in here are gonna like that status try getting a better friend whos harder to talk shit about. Or buy better internet nigglet In conversation permalink -
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mia ('s status on Friday, 06-Oct-2023 13:57:03 JST mia @Lyx @Inginsub @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @Zerglingman @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meso @mint @nimt @p @pernia @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska
Nigger I am on a mountain top.In conversation permalink -
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mia ('s status on Friday, 06-Oct-2023 13:57:04 JST mia @Lyx @Inginsub @MK2boogaloo @MercurialBlack @MercurialBlack @Moon @Zerglingman @aeiou @anemone @cassidyclown @chog9 @disarray @ehhh @f0x @kirby @kirby @m @meso @mint @nimt @p @pernia @shibao @sysrq @sysrq @vriska
Talk shit about my friend Graf to someone who cares.In conversation permalink -
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Lyx ('s status on Friday, 06-Oct-2023 13:57:06 JST Lyx @mia @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @m @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @MK2boogaloo @Zerglingman @f0x @kirby @p @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon @meso its graff stealing your connection so he can dowload even MORE 🇨🇵 :danielstevens: In conversation permalink -
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þernia ('s status on Saturday, 07-Oct-2023 02:16:23 JST þernia @meso @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @m @Lyx @chog9 @nimt @ehhh @meowski @MK2boogaloo @Zerglingman @f0x @kirby @mia @p @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon how so In conversation permalink Pleroma-tan likes this. -
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meso ('s status on Saturday, 07-Oct-2023 02:16:24 JST meso @Lyx @Inginsub @aeiou @cassidyclown @m @chog9 @nimt @pernia @ehhh @meowski @MK2boogaloo @Zerglingman @f0x @kirby @mia @p @sysrq @kirby @sysrq @MercurialBlack @vriska @anemone @shibao @disarray @MercurialBlack @mint @Moon this post was difficult to read In conversation permalink Pleroma-tan repeated this.