@mkultra@CatLord@Godcast@MoralPanic@branman65@didymus@gucciloafers@reloadedAK There's always universal fundamentals that all nationalist ideologies share but those are even shared with the more honest members of the mainstream conservative voting bloc who arent ideological turncoats. Focus on family, community, heritage, culture, tradition, and service to the greater good often at personal expense and suffering and you can win these people over. For all the talk of NPC's, people overlook the fact that anything that can be programmed can be reprogrammed. Why is it that nobody is interested in learning how to weaponize psychology? That's what the NSDAP did.
We European Americans have our own strengths and weaknesses that need to be accounted for when devising a national movement. Copying one built in a foreign place for a foreign people using foreign symbolism would never work. We need to attract winners and people who will be useful to our cause, not a bunch of autistic and antisocial misfits. We need quality not quantity.
@branman65@Godcast@CatLord@MoralPanic@gucciloafers@mkultra@didymus@reloadedAK American culture and the American psyche was formed around the forces of the Revolution, westward expansion, manifest destiny, the wild west, rebellion, and guerilla warfare against injuns and the british. This leads us to a very different national character and potential outcome over the places that were built strong by obedience and regimentation. It also renders us fundamentally incompatible with any European style militant regimentation such as those the larpers and misguided dissidents always fetishize. Tell these people we arent compatible with their favorite flavor of ww2 era politics and they flip out.
This ironically is also why America is the hardest nut for these kike NWO freaks to crack and why we refuse to give up our guns and listen to "officials" as much as we do. It's why there was such tenacious resistance to mask/vaccine mandates in a significant portion of the nation even among the vaxxed NPC's, much to the midwit freaks and nerds' dismay.
@Godcast@CatLord@MoralPanic@branman65@gucciloafers@mkultra@didymus@reloadedAK As much as they would like to be, they aren't National Socialists. Hitler himself said that National Socialism wasn't for export and disavowed copycats. Instead he allied with different unique ethnonationalist movements doing their own thing like the Rexists, the fascists, the Romanian Iron Guard, the Falangists, etc. It's almost like nationalist ideologies are made for their place of origin and can't simply be copied and pasted.
@gucciloafers@mkultra@CatLord@branman65@didymus@reloadedAK I'm really not understanding how you and the rest aren't getting my critique. As a peacetime policy, national socialism lasted less than a decade. Even rabid anarcho libertarians admit you can finance your way into short-term prosperity. We have exactly zero idea what national socialist Germany would have looked like in post-war peacetime. As such, I have no problem rejecting the project of national socialism as a failed experiment that doesn't tell me much of anything we didn't already learn from other, more successful systems.
@Godcast@mkultra@CatLord@branman65@didymus@reloadedAK Jews are going to try to get their golems to gang up on you no matter what you do if you shake off their control. Let's say you have your own novel/niche ideas and they fail only because of that. I guess it was just a failure?
@CatLord@branman65@didymus@reloadedAK I reject it because national socialism has no track record of success to speak of. The reasons for the failure are irrelevant. "But the whole world ganged up on Germany!" They still failed.
@CatLord@branman65@didymus@reloadedAK National Socialism is a failed ideology with, what, like five years? of peacetime track record to recommend it. The closest thing to a workable model of national socialism is Ba'athism. If that's good enough for you, fantastic, but I'm not convinced. Contrast NS to Mercantilism, with a hundred fifty years of excellence and rabid prosperity in the US, or even the wild success of the Chicago School in Chile under Pinochet and NS looks pretty flaccid as peacetime policy.
@branman65@didymus@reloadedAK@CatLord But should we expect a Christian minister to be conversant with the parts in Mein Kampf about the minutiae of the Austro-Hungarian Empire? If so, why?
@didymus@reloadedAK@CatLord National socialism and fascism were political reactions to communism, all three of which have functionally ceased to exist in any meaningful sense of the word. NS and fascism in particular. Why should a minister be expected to know the particulars of either when they've been dead for nearly eighty years? Why shouldn't we expect a PhD historian who writes about history to know extremely basic facts about the world's largest and Whitest religion?
@Godcast@reloadedAK@CatLord chalk it up against 99.9/100 christian theologians and ministers being historically illiterate of fascism and national socialism, i guess lmao
@CatLord The more I think about it, it's literally the same stupid arguments Adam Green had when he argued against @Godcast and he couldn't explain how it was a jewish conspiracy for nigh on 2000 years when Jesus himself calls the pharisaic rabbis spawns of Satan