1st thing i looked up with my new (to me) car is how a flex fuel conversion is done. it gets > 30 MPG but that's no excuse to not run a cleaner & more efficient fuel
> I'm getting tired of these [...] articles effectively calling the [...] SUV owning population dumb my guy you bought a hatchback with a bodykit that doubles its fuel consumption
@izaya there's no reason for anyone to own a SUV besides as a symbol of how rich you are. Maybe some people actually need the pickup truck, but that's like, contractors and farmers and maybe the occasional person renting a U-Haul, so ownership should be gated behind a commercial driver's license
@izaya also, sedans can hold so much shit. I moved like 20 pretty big boxes to my new place in a sedan, and one trip I brought 12 of those boxes. With a roof carrier, I probably could have brought all of them at once and still eaten less fuel than an average truck
@astrid@izaya And even today's pickup trucks in the US are becoming impractical for that. A lot of construction companies seek out older trucks because they aren't jacked up and unnecessarily large.
@tk@izaya ah yes, the high clearance vehicles. You're clearly not a person who lifts lots of construction materials if your truck bed is 3ft off the ground
@dimi@tk@astrid hi I also live in rural NSW and have since before everyone drove humvees
when I was a kid my best friend's mum lived 15km down a dirt track criss-crossed by multiple creeks. she drove a minivan.
when we went camping our anemic 80s hilux had no problem with a caravan. it had a smaller engine than most modern hatchbacks.
dirt roads are a nonissue for any decent car, you just have to be a competent driver. people will happily outdo me in a beat-up 90s toyota corolla while I'm riding shitty roads on my XT250
the only people that drive SUVs are those that have moved out here from sydney or melbourne, everyone else drives sedans or, if they need them for work or similar, smaller utes
@tk@astrid@izaya In Australia, you see a lot of SUV and utes on the road. If you want to go camping (one of the favorite activities during the holidays) or visit family in rural areas, there is not much options. Pulling a caravan with a small car above the blue mountains is simply impossible...
@tk@astrid@izaya Hello! I own an SUV and a Ute (pickup truck). The SUV is a 7 seater, which is important to bring my family around. The ute is used mainly to bring construction, dirt and wood at my home. We live in rural NSW, and other cars can't go through the dirt roads and rivers we sometimes have to cross. The nearest hospital is impossible to access if its heavily raining and all you have is a car (or a city SUV).
@dimi@tk@izaya sure, off roading is like the only real use for high clearance, but I guarantee you that most of the SUVs in suburbs and cities aren't going offroading more than once a year, if ever at all. It certainly is that way in America.
but, some definitions are needed because we use the same words to mean different shit over here.
Ewhatever = whatever% is ethanol/MTBE, at most.
for example: E10 = at most, this fuel is 10% bourbon E30 = at most, this fuel is 30% tequila E85 = at most, this fuel is 85% corn whiskey
E10 is almost never labeled "E10" at the pump, instead we have a variety of shit that is E10. it's annoying. it's so annoying our regulating agency has a site explaining it: https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/gasoline/octane-in-depth.php (yep we can pick our octane ratings at the pump)
there's a trick to not being able to read, though. if the pump's hose is black it's E10/Unleaded of some sort, green is diesel, yellow is flex fuel. this isn't a standard but it's damn common.
my favorite gas station has REC90 fuel which is 90 octane gasoline and 0% ethanol, the CBR250R fking LOVES it
@Bam@izaya but stationwagons and minivans eat less fuel, are not so high off the ground that you'll decapitate some kid or low clearance car because you didn't see them, and usually hold as much if not more stuff than SUVs because they're just rectangles, while SUV interiors are curvier
@dimi@astrid@tk@izaya lol, a Texas Exit is where you exit from the Interstate onto the frontage road but thru the grass and dirt instead of a designated exit.
It's helpful when the Interstate is stopped with traffic, you missed your exit, or they didn't put in an exit in the right spot.
@StampedingLonghorn@astrid@tk@izaya I am sorry, my only knowledge of Texas is coming from far west movies. As far as I know, you don't have cars and only ride horses to the nearest saloon.