To quote this dumbass who tries to meme and fails "lol lmao"
You'd think as slow as he is that he'd read it slower and "get it" but I suppose that my "name" is a litmus test of sorts. If you don't "get it" on your own at some point then you're "not gonna make it."
Bahn mi is pretty good but I like the "Vietnamese breakfast" (with extra fish sauce) and "Vietnamese New Year" meals with the pork belly and hard boiled eggs best.
Vietnamese coffee is great too. I also like the Thai tea as well.
While I never supported the occupation of Iraq, to say that they were anywhere near the level of American troops, especially Rangers, SEALS, and Special Forces is hilarious.
Most of the insurgents fought like cowards and hid behind women and children which you never see Europeans doing this.
The times they did take out Americans were usually due to IEDs or getting lucky in some other way.
In fact, most of the guys who are "in the know" say the best fighters came from Iran.
Funny that the best fighters came from the place closest to being actual aryans, isn't it?
Not only was he strong, he was smart too. He has a PhD in Chemistry or maybe Physics. Seems like a good guy but I don't know a whole lot more about him.
Once I realized that I can't eat more than one or two plates I just started eating made to order single meals at Vietnamese or Thai restaurants.
Chinese food isn't bad, at least what they serve in America, but I like Vietnamese, Thai, and what little Japanese food that I've had better than Chinese food.
Or sometimes they ride horses to the bars. I've actually drove by a bar with a woman outside and the cops trying to stop her from riding a horse back home. At least I'm pretty sure that's what was going on.