@n3wjack It's a split for me - my monitors are connected to a Windows PC, partly out of familiarity, but largely for software like Office, Altium & Solidworks... that said, I virtually always have one or more SSH connections to a more powerful Linux system, where nearly *all* the rest of my activities are carried out.
Every time I accidentally see these, I read far enough to see things like "you should be spending 30% of your income on [wants]" and have an urge to flip the table over.
I have a couple of Linux systems that are on spinning disks... and I cannot convey how incredibly slow they are at "basic" tasks like system updates.
It's "just leave it running" levels of slow, in a world where I've got used to not leaving things like that because the context switching isn't worth it.
[there is zero reason for these systems to have "good" root storage, they're off-site backup nodes, and have decent big storage instead]
@Polychrome and so many teeny / subtle details that I'm sure many missed... like the way she just walks out of shot "upstairs", and then walks in shot "downstairs" - without any steps! (they narrated that explicitly afterwards, but it was still good!)
@lanodan@fgaz@duponin if by "regular file" you mean "character special", then sure... and what about sysfs, securityfs, debugfs, etc... for pseudo-filesystems?